Chapter 101: Heart Transplant

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Micah looked through the screen of his tab. The folders that were written in Chinese took up more than a quarter of the whole storage. Two nights after the emergency surgery, a quarter of that had been roughly translated. At first, the Chinese tried to translate it accurately, but found out that it wasn't like any of the folders that Xi Shen Ko kept. This was a casual way of writing, with only a fraction of which consisted of difficult words or rare vocabularies. They turned it into a rough translation, hence how they were able to work fast.

The Chinese has always fascinated Micah at some point. Maybe it was just them. They were all nobles, down to the youngest. Mr. Zhen himself especially, who was used to living abroad, was exceptional in translating processes.

They suspected Xi Shen Ko having a Dissociative Identity Disorder, and truthfully, Micah had considered that option when Shao Jun first explored through those folders right after Shao Long unlocked it. Different fonts, different style were always few of the signs that a person might be suffering from DID. Based on the data they've found until now, Xi Shen Ko rarely sees a doctor. Similarly, this person who wrote this different styled folders hardly ever mentioned the word doctor.

Micah could confirm it. Xi Shen Ko did have a mental disease as such. However, it was not his place yet to tell which one of them was the host, or who did all those crimes. If the host personality was proven not to commit all the crimes, then he wouldn't have a death penalty. After roughly 20 years in prison, he wouldn't leave a mental hospital to his death door. However, it would be a much different case if one of them tried to stab the other.

Based on the folders translated, Micah was surprised to see no malicious words of a psychopath he'd come to know as Xi Shen Ko. The written words were soft and at times, sarcastic. The personality definitely fared better in some aspects. From what he could tell, the personality who wrote this was less intelligent, but intelligent nonetheless. Not up to par, but enough to survive the other personality.

Micah suddenly remembered a feat Shao Long pulled once. He listed the notes written on sticky notes from his father's desk, all memorized and etched into his mind that he could recite them all.

He remembered questioning why Xi Shen Ko would underestimate Shao Long. Maybe he hadn't. Maybe he underestimated his other personality.

What if it was this personality who wrote all those notes? What if it was this personality who allowed Shao Long to come to Momos? Who let Nubis go when he naturally would've known that he would be alive? Or even the one who left this tablet there in the submarine base?

"Wait..." Micah snapped into realization. "How many splits does he even have?"

The average number of personalities that exist within the DID patients worldwide are 10. Some reach over a hundred. It could be possible that Xi Shen Ko possess more than one splits.

Would Shao Long know though?

Micah looked back at the translated folders.

Shao Long would've remembered these events that were written. He would've recognized which one was his father, and which one was a split. That is, if he was able to differentiate which one of the two was the host.

The person who knows Xi Shen Ko the most was Shao Long, and the boy was unconscious at the moment. He would be able to explain this.

All that's left was to wait for him to heal from the surgery.


Shintarou sighed as he stared at the people in front of him. As most of them already returned to the Academy, the students were all significantly calmer compared to before. The princes had already continued their routine as the student council members and that includes Shintarou himself. However, Charles being Charles, invited Nova Sage over to the student council meeting room, taking advantage of the fact that the Principal wasn't there to supervise them and Godfreg had no complete way to stop the blondie especially since he seemed awfully deterined in this war of his. 

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