Chapter 66: Trouble In China

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So sorry for not updating for a really long time. Believe it or not, currently I have roughly 5 active story ideas that i have constructed mentally by at least 20%. Two of them were already written physically, another two was still in planning, while the last one is Teach Me Love, my new fanfic.

Also, one important thing. My stories will include some extreme reality which means that some things may be unrealistic or would never happen, but trust me, I did plenty of research to confirm that everything I'm about to tell you has been done in real life, so nothing is basically impossible.

Let me tell you, pigs growing wings aren't all that impossible so.....

Back to the story.


Evan looked around the room, taking in everyone's reaction. While most of them had their jaws dropped and with a confused look plastered on their faces, Charles kept looking at this Rong Yu, and for a brief second there, chuckled.

Ah, yes. Charles doodled on Rong Yu's face with an extra permanent marker that one time. Logically speaking, Rong Yu would've already known that it was Charles who did it.

But heck.

"Where's Shao Long?" Evan asked when he noticed that one important person was missing.

"He...." Alex hesitated as he glanced at the hidden figure under the desk.

"I'll take that as he hid himself" Evan mumbled to himself, then turned to Rong Shen "How do you wanna handle this?"

"It's up to Principle Evan, but I suggest you inform everyone. You know why I say this" Rong Shen replied with a serious expression.

Evan nodded, then announced to the princes "Shao Long, you can come out now. You know these people".

Rong Shen then added "And don't worry about this brat Xiao-Yu (Little Yu). Uncle Rong will smite him if he dares to do anything".

Hearing this, everyone sweatdropped.

Shao Long heaved a nervous breath as he contemplated on whether he should escape or come out....

As he was thinking this, he suddenly heard a voice directly spoken right in front of him.

"Baobei, there you are~"

It was none other than Rong Yu, crouching in front of him with his usual smiley face.


On pure instincts, Shao Long, without the slightest bit of hesitation or doubt, landed a firm punch on the nose of the lunatic.

Simultaneously, his body jumped in fright, causing his head to bump on the table. A frightful yelp was released, followed by a devastated whimper. All the while, Rong Yu clutched his nose like his life depended on it, wearing an expression that says 'what did I do wrong?'

In all honest, he was neither guilty nor innocent.

By now, everyone's attention fell on the duo under the table, one clutching his nose, one clutching his head.

"Oh! There he is!" Zhen Yangyang exclaimed excitement. "Shao-ge! It's been so long since we met each other! Do you remember Yangyang?"

A/N: Shao-ge means older brother Shao. This is a cute nickname btw. Save for the fact that shao means less or little sometimes so it's kind of offensive or so I've been told. So Shao Long didn't necessarily enjoy this nickname.

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