Chapter 121: Outside The Door

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By the way, god knows how hard it is to write a climax, (Not that this chapter will be the last one, but near enough) so expect some weird sounding sentences. Fasting doesn't do wonders for my concentration, for one. 

Also, expect the minimum of another 6 chapters before we're done with this fic, okay? 

Let's do this! 


Xi Shen Ko's splits consisted of two identities. The first one, a psychopath who utilized the body's IQ for his own selfish needs, while his second one was of the host's wife. Each identity was so vivid that they made a life of their own outside of the host' influence. 

The first psychopath had been in control of the body for much longer than both the host and the wife, Su Yinming. It would be fair to say that his confidence over his control was as high as the sky. All he needed was a simple distraction in order to catch the host off guard before yanking the body's senses and keep it that way for a relatively long time. It also meant that most of the time, he was aware of what was going on around him, even if he wasn't in control at that particular time. He had basically owned the body much much more than the host ever did, or could. 

That was why it got so frustrating and baffling when he wasn't able to sense anything once the host took over the body. Years of control, years of being the one in charge to get everything he could ever wanted, wealth, fame, trust, everything, all for the host. And the host had been so pliant, so docile for more than a decade, so a sudden thought once told him that his actions were approved of, that the host understood him, understood why he was doing things that he did. A more arrogant thought told him that the host's mind was to weak to take control, that it was the sole reason why his brain had created an identity in the first place. 

So why now? Why was it during the most important time, the host had decided to take over? 

A moment of distraction. 

One second of distraction was all he needed. 

And when he sensed the loosened ends of his senses scattering in his mind, never before had he been so quick at wrestling control, catching the host off guard once again and completely overtaking his mind, his senses, his body. He flinched at the numb sensation of coming back to reality, a wave of nausea fighting to steal his balance. Instinctively, Xi Shen Ko grabbed the nearest object to stabilize himself, only to realize that it was a bar on the wall of an elevator. He was moving downwards, towards the fourth floor. 


It looked like the host had gone up during his control. 

Clenching his fists, Xi Shen Ko willed himself to calm down, and checked the time on his watch. 

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