Chapter 125: Alternative

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Truly writing climaxes are hard. 

Where were we?

Right. They were gonna die. Right. 


Anubis tried to imagine Shintarou and Nova waiting out at the Student Council meeting room, waiting for the signal to direct the whole of Europe's screen to Charles' smartphone, and felt his world stumble. It wasn't that he was confident that he could get away alive today, not at all. In fact, most of the shits he had done in his life, he never bothered to calculate the risk of him dying, whether it be him kidnapping princesses or having a showdown with a yakuza. All he knew was that he needed to do some damage today and that he did. If he dies, he dies. 

It occurred to his today though, that if he dies today, then that...

That sucks. 

It would suck so bad that his heart felt bitter. 

Not that he was blaming someone other than Xi Shen Ko. After all, the main reason why he was here fighting Xi Shen Ko wasn't because he wanted to have some fun, or take revenge on being electrocuted and almost drowned to his death, or even because he felt pity towards Shao Long. No, it's more like this man in front of him reminded him too much of his own father, and the expression Shao Jun had whenever he looked at his Gege looked too much like the guy in the mirror he had been staring at for a decade now. It disgusted him seeing someone so casually setting a noose on their own children, to find one that was the strongest, to create himself a legacy to continue their bullshit. His own father was an asshole that deserved everything that happened to him. And Anubis wanted to make sure this Xi Shen Ko got his deserved ending too. 

So when he realized that they did not have the weapon to fight this man, Anubis felt stumped. It was Bada dying in his arms all over again, the feeling of not being able to do anything as he watched the world around him crumble down, leaving only himself with the remains of his loss. That was, if he could even survive today. 

Xi Shen Ko must've realized by now that not all of the bombs he had placed around the hospital was diffused, and if the man had half the maniac thinking Anubis did, he was going to set them off all at once and then escape. There should be enough bombs for that too, if the one at the gas chamber wasn't diffused first. If not from the explosion, then from the fire, or from the rubbles that would fall on them, or Xi Shen Ko would find them trying to escape the building and one by one, shoot them in the head. That was what Anubis would've done. He could only wish that Xi Shen Ko had other less-hysterical plan in his mind. 

Oh, and apparently, Charles can indeed, fight. 

This was ridiculous, really. It really was. A couple of years of research had Anubis thinking that the blondie was some normal city guy that couldn't throw a punch to save his life, and hey, look at him now. Of course, he should've known better. No one who could notice the presence of a bodyguard with a glance of an eye was a normal person. 

Charles wasn't that good. That was what Anubis realized, not in a condescending manner, as he studied the American's lunges and attacks towards Xi Shen Ko. Neither man opted for a gun with such as small space, and it was a couple seconds ago that Anubis, also currently in the fight, pickpocketed the small firearm from the man's pocket. Charles couldn't get the upper hand as he fought, and Anubis firmly believed both from experience and observation that the only reason the two of them still hadn't broken a limb yet was because Xi Shen Ko didn't want to. Like he was stalling. Again. 

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