Chapter 60 - Admire

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I'm just going to say it once.

This will be the last chapter....

For the week.

Pfft hahahahhahaha did I get you? Did I?!

Okay now I feel guilty.

No, it's not my last chapter, hahaha! It's just that this week will be filled with me doing my procrastinated homework so I won't have the time to update and all.

But fear not!

After I finish my homework, I will try to update as much as I can, because once I go back to my school, there will be no news of me for like.......

A month?


I'm gonna miss y'all *sniff*.

So while the time is still on our side, I'm gonna spoil the hell out of my readers!


Alex's complexion suddenly changed as he spoke "Shao Jun. Actually, I've been meaning to ask you this for a very long time".

Shao Long felt his heartbeat rose as he heard this. He was aware that Alex was attentive, and there's a few possibilities of him finding out a few things that are suspicious. But if by now he was able to make out the deal with the surgery, then he really had underestimated Alex.

"What is it?"

"It's about Shao Long. I've wanted to ask him about it for days now but I feel like I shouldn't disturb him. After all, since he entered this school, trouble follows him everywhere" Alex added.

This time, Shao Long frowned. It didn't seem like Alex knew about the surgery, but there could be something else.

"Actually, I noticed that Shao Long,...."

Shao Long sucked in his breath.

"........he must really have a lot of admirers, right?"

1 second.

2 second.

3 second.

Shao Long was stupefied.


Actually, if it was the real Shao Jun and not simply Shao Long pretending to be Shao Jun, he would firmly nod with a proud expression. That is to say, Shao Jun would definitely agree.

But sadly, this is Shao Long. Ao his natural reaction would be this.

".....Alex, I'm afraid you got the wrong person...."

Alex, however, wasn't one to back down "That's right! Shao Long said you rarely got out, so naturally you don't know. But I couldn't help but notice that he's like a magnet".

"A- A magnet?!"

"That's right!" Alex exclaimed. "Wherever he walked, eyes follow him. Not only that, I've seen plenty people sending him love letters, even from another school!"

"Another school?!" Why didn't he know of this?! As the owner of the body himself, he was actually certain that people usually hated him to the core!

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