Chapter 14 - Mo Ye

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"Agreed" they both said unison.


Ring ring.......Shao Long was startled fora short while before checking his phone. When he read the name of the caller, his faced turned sheet white. Immediately, he turned to Shao Jun who still looked confused "I thought you said he agreed!"

"Who?" Everyone asked, despite the question being directed towards only one person.

"HIM" Shao Long showed the name of the person to Shao Jun, who deliberately had the same reaction."I did! I asked him if I could come and stay for a few months! J-Just answer it!"

"No way in hell, you answer it!"

"Why me?!"

"Because you're the only one who can fool him!" Shao long shoved the phone to Shao Jun, who was starting to panic.

"Sh#t! You owe me big time!"

"Anything you want!"

With that, Shao Jun answered the call. He spoke Mandarin, much to the others' displeasure, but Xueyang and Shao Long knew that this person doesn't like it when people heard their conversation and he fully knew that currently, the twins are around people.

It was their Father.

When Shao Jun first spoke, all the prince stiffened in shock. His tone was dead serious, and it sounded nothing like him. "Yes, Father". (Not that they could understand him)

"..........Yes, I've seen him...........Yes............I will.............Of course..........No, they weren't suspicious of us. In any case, Xueyang wouldn't let them off...............Not yet. The workload during the two months are also piling up. It should be done by the day after tomorrow.........."

This time, Shao Jun kept quiet for a long time, and his face gradually turned from serious to that of disbelief. "B-But...."

He once again paused.

A few minutes later, Shao Jun breathed out a heavy frustrated sigh as quiet as possible, his eyes closed as if trying to calm himself "........Okay. I will not disappoint you".

With that, the call ended. Shao Jun's face revealed a slight smile before he abruptly stood up, causing the rest of them to flinch. "He should really just die" he said with a cold smile and threw away the phone as hard as he could. Thankfully, Xueyang was managed to catch it before it could reach the ground........

Shao Jun did not stop there, he practically started cursing in Mandarin, his tone not too high, but enough to tell that he was thoroughly pissed. Both his fists were clenched as if he was willing to punch anyone nearby. Shao Long was surprised by this sudden outburst and said "Whoa whoa whoa, you didn't have to curse, you know. What is it?"

However, Shao Jun ignored him completely and continued to curse. Shao Long rubbed the space between his brows and placed both his hands on his brother's shoulder, securing him in place "Come on, tell me".

"That old bastard really has no shame, who does he think he is? He courts misfortune by flaunting wealth and now he wants us to deal with it?! He clearly knows that the Mo Ye Corporate is our ally but he still dared to slander them!! No business so dirty can be fixed with money! Bless the gods, I wouldn't be surprised we'd go bankrupt before the end of the year!"

"Now now, he's done it a couple of times, and have you ever seen him bankrupt? What is it about the Mo Ye? Come on, stop cursing and tell me" Shao Long shook Shao Jun's shoulders till the other person felt dizzy enough. Finally, Shao jun spoke in Mandarin......

"He made a contract with an investor in Dubai to built another international airport last month and told the Mo Ye Corporates. The Mo Ye agreed to support this project with 20% return of their investment. Now the investor asked the investment return, and all the debt was placed on Mo Ye!"

"He's crazy! How much?!"

"400 million........."



"...........not yuan?"

"Not Yuan........"

The whole room fell silent as they heard this. Even though they could not understand Mandarin, they could tell by how dejected they both sounded, that this issue was not something to laugh at. Even Xueyang's face turned dark hearing this. But then again, it seemed like he was partially used to this kind of situation.

"But that wasn't even the real problem! The Mo Ye really did pay!"

"Eh?! Where did they get the money?!"

"That's the problem! He questioned this matter in court!!"

"What the hell?!! He really has no shame!!"

"Don't worry, it gets better! The investor in Dubai knew this and backed up the Mo Ye, and now he's questioning US in court!"

"EH?!!!" Shao Long couldn't help but raise his voice.

"And he said that after the matter is settled, he's going to break the contract......"

"...........anything else?"

"He told us to deal with it........"

"..........anymore?" Shao Long became more uneasy.

"Actually, yes. The Mo Ye said they could let us go if we take out half of the modal, and he said even if he was to take out a hundredth of the modal, he would not do it......."

"..........That's all, right?"

"Oh, and he gave us some more company affairs regarding the new product to settle".

By this time, the whole room became silent........Charles glanced at Shao long, trying to guess his next reaction, but only saw him sigh. "Nothing to worry about. I know just the solution".

"How?!" literally everyone was curious, but among those voices, there was one in particular that didn't seem to be there before. Shao Jun turned around to see principle Evan and Godfreg staring at them with a complicated gaze. "Ah! Sir, h-how long have you been there?"

Everyone was surprised by this unexpected appearance. Shao Long and Shao Jun was tensed. This thing wasn't supposed to be known by outsiders, especially a rich person as Principle Evan. Good thing was that he wasn't supposed to understand mandarin, but if he was early enough, he should know that their business is facing a big problem. Knowing this man, surely he would dig into the issue until truth unfolds.......

.........which is not a good thing by the way.

"Unfortunately for you, long enough to hear all the issues regarding your business affairs" Principle Evan frowned deep in displeasure. "You're very noisy".

"W-Wait, I thought you don't speak Mandarin!"

Godfreg smiled and answered in his stead "He didn't. Learned it last night".

"........." almost everyone- No! EVERYONE was baffled.

"Not enough to speak fluently, but enough to understand what you said" Godfreg added with yet another smile.

"........What do we do now?" Shao Long asked Shao Jun with his gaze still fixed on the man.

Shao Jun, however, remained motionless, saying calmly in Mandarin "Prepare for murder"


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