Chapter 24 - Asian Parents?

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Shintarou entered the computer room quietly, Honda following close behind. He only carried his pen drive which had been previously fixed by Xueyang. He wanted to recheck everything and fix some of the errors rearrange them since they're all pretty much jumbled up.

But he would never expected to be in the company of someone else. When he heard the tapping noises not too far away, he instantly ducked out of instinct. Someone was here, and that was extremely rare. No one ever comes to this place at this hour, at least not without him knowing. Could it be Nubis?

Shintarou shuddered at the the thought. After all, Nubis did try to track them or something. Nasty bastard.

Shintarou tried to locate the sound of the tapping and followed it as silent as he could. Peeping from underneath, he looked up. About a dozen metres away from him, Charles sat, staring at the computer with a calm but cold gaze.

In that moment, Shintarou felt his heart running wild. Okay, this was way creepier than Nubis! He found himself staring at Charles' expression. One that he had rarely ever seen before. His gaze was cold, icy, especially with the light from the screen. His usual smile was now nothing but an illusion. The lips that seemed to be always smiling was now scowling. His eyes were full of icy intent, which is too much for his already icy blue eyes. He did not look the least bit pleased. And that worried Shintarou more than Nubis breaking into his room.

On second thought, maybe Nubis breaking into his dorm is the scariest thing that'd happen.

"I know you're there, just come out" the blond suddenly spoke.

Shintarou could've sworn his heart leaped out of his chest right at that moment.

Slowly, he got out from his hiding place and faced this creepy ass of a human called Charles. He had a frown on his face, not at all liking the idea of this confrontation.

Charles looked at him with a sideway glance for three good seconds before turning back to the screen. "You can just borrow someone else's computer if you don't want me here, because I'm not leaving".

"What are you doing here?" Shintarou decided to ask.

"Virus got on my phone the longest span of time. What do you think I'm doing? Isn't that also why you're here? To fix your documents?" Charles didn't bat an eye as he continued his work.

Shintarou narrowed his eyes hearing this. He made his way to the computer second from Charles, not too far, not to close and began starting his work. He will not leave. He still has some more interrogation to do. That, and he wants to find out what happened between him and Shao Long these days. Shao Long really seemed afraid of Charles whenever Shintarou brought up the topic.

"Oh? You're staying? I suppose you have some questions then" Charles said with an unimpressed tone.

"That's right. I do have a lot of questions for you" Shintarou said, not even bothering to hide it. What's the use of beating around the bush? It'll get him nowhere, and only making the situation more awkward.

"And I suppose no one else can answer your questions other than me?"

"Well obviously, why would I ask you if I can ask Livio?" Shintarou rolled his eyes.

Charles seemed to have noticed something and suddenly smirked. The kind of smirk that's perfect for chaos. Shintarou hated that smirk. Basically everyone who knew that smirk existed in the first place hated it. That includes Alex. "Oh, you ask Livio? Not Google or your AI robots? Is there something I've missed?"

"...........go to hell" Shintarou's face started heating up. He honestly felt comfortable around Livio, so much that if there's anything he wanted to know, he'd be too lazy to search it and just ask Livio. Of Livio doesn't know if, he'll look it up for him.

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