Chapter 19 - In Which Evan Went Furious

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Thank you for all those who votes on my story constantly, because I don't know if I'd still be writing this if it weren't for your support!

Love y'all.


"With all that's happening, I was hoping the business my brother and I handle would be enough. After all, I only have a few more months......."

Shao Long's voice entered Evan's ear through the recording he had secretly used earlier that day. The same recording was played for the nth time that night, and as he sat in on his office chair, the sky turned darker and darker.

Evan sighed for who knows how many times as his mind drifted to the Chinese youth in his office just a few hours ago. He looked so fragile and yet strong at the same time. Truly, he had never seen someone as calm when telling others their problems. Shao Long told it like it was nothing, thought the emotion in his eyes could still be caught by Evan.

"I admit that it was terrible, but so what? It was my fault all this happened. I shouldn't have punched that kid and Charles later on that day. I shouldn't have gone against my father, I shouldn't have done against what I am told to do. But what's done is done, and I'm fixing it right now. Everything that I've gone through was simply my punishment. It was my fault........."

Evan gritted his teeth yet again, resisting the urge to crush the recording device to pieces. He was mad. And he couldn't do anything about it.

He had repeated the recording for some time now, and still hadn't found the final resolution. He had helped countless people before, but never one like this. Shao Long wasn't a peseant the world did not notice. He was the son of the richest man in China. What happens to him will shock the world.

He couldn't make a scene, that'll cause him even more trouble than he already had.

"Shao Jun's disease got worse when he found out what my father did two months ago. He needed to undergo surgery that instant. Organ transplant..... "

Evan slammed the recording on his desk and grabbed a mug on his left. With a swift motion, he threw the mug across the room, letting it shatter to hundreds of pieces.

"I can't believe I let that slip my sight..." Evan grumbled to himself. He was very very very mad. What generous billionaire, he couldn't even help his student. He had seen cases like this in the news or drama series, but one actually made its way right in front of him. A real issue he never thought would've thought existed. It wasn't even a random student. This student was so close to him! A student council member for goodness sake, how could he not notice this before?!

He was dreading to tell this to Godfreg, see if that soft-hearted man could help, but he already promised not to tell.

Then it occurred to him.

Maybe Charles could help Shao Long?

Shao Long did mention Charles a number of time. But instead of blaming him for everything, which he should've, Shao Long would often change the topic quickly. As if he didn't want Charles to get involved with his problems. But then again, Charles played an important role in Shao Long's life. He would have a bigger effect on Shao Long.....

But how could he help when he didn't know the problem?

Wait, that kid's smart, ain't he?

He'll figure it out himself.

Evan yawned and picked up the recording from the table. Turning it off, he tugged in inside his drawer before entering his room. His thoughts had wandered off to his own son, Alexis. A smile couldn't help but crept to his face. But then he remembered the lesser fortunate pair of twins who didn't get a chance to experience parental love, even at a young age.............

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