Chapter 32 - Just A Visit

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Charles couldn't sleep the whole night, his mind wandered to a certain Chinese. Actually, he'd think about Shao Long almost every night since he got back from China, and it's almost been a whole week. Tonight, however, was the longest. Somehow, something felt wrong.

The death of Su Yinming, Shao Long's mother, was strange.

Why? For one, he had only known about it after a week of her death. His father hadn't informed him at all. Maybe it was because Xi Shen Ko, really didn't want to inform him, or he just didn't have the heart to tell that to his sons. The first one was....... in rarer cases, while the latter was rather normal.

Shao Long, however, was not normal at all.

And to say the least, wouldn't the workers of his mansion inform him about it, even his father have not the heart to tell? Such an important thing, how could they not inform him?

And worse yet, even with his condition right now, they refused to go back to China? Because of some tradition? As far as he's concerned, indeed the most proper mourning period is 100 days, but surely they could just.......Ah, screw tradition. Just because they can't perform the tradition fully, they have to cancel everything? So unreasonable.

And third! Su Yinming was killed! Shao Long sought vengence towards him because of a trick he did 10 long years ago. Knowing him, not that he actually knew him well enough to say this, surely Shao Long would've at least cursed the killer with all his might, but up until now, even during his mental instability, he hadn't mentioned the murder of his mother even once.

It was just too.....odd.

And that wasn't even the best part.

He somehow felt that Shao Long's mental instability just now wasn't real at all. Charles wanted to believe it was true, but he had seen Shao Long's eyes up close. He could've sworn he saw the very sadness he tried to hide. His eyes were teary all along, and the corners of his eyes quivered, twinkled, trying to wash his tears away.

That mental instability he had, there was a high chance of it just being an excuse for Shao Long to vent his hidden emotions, in mask. It was as if, all he wanted to do was scream, yell his heart out, and using the mental instability as an excuse.

But if that was indeed true, wasn't it weird? He could've just straightforwardly scream, and no one would judge. Anyone would understand the pain of losing a mother, or at least they surely can. Why did he chose to hide it? In mask of a disease?

At least, tell it to Shao Jun. Instead, not even Shao Jun and Xueyang could tell that it was all an act.

"Tch" Charles clicked his tongue. Looks like he had done more damage to that person than he had ever thought or planned....

"Now to fix that up....."


Shao Long stared at the ceiling of his room, eyes half lidded, gaze empty, the corners of his mouth tugged downwords. He didn't know what to think, his mind was just simply....empty.

Shao Jun was sleeping beside him, with his brows scrunched together in distress. Shao Long glanced at the hard expression on his brother's face, no emotion whatsoever displayed on his face. His jaw trembled.

Gritting his teeth with an exhausted sigh, Shao Long closed his eyes. Shao Jun was naturally hugging him in his normal protective manner, over his shoulder in a tight grip. Shao Long let his brother did as he please, both to his own need and his brother's. After all, he had promised that he'd let Shao Jun take care of him, and up until now, he had not done anything wrong.

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