Chapter 110: Su Qinlan's Approval

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Damn, I'm genuinely stuck in this story, putting aside how I am still currently in the middle of Mock IGCSE, which might be our marks for the real IGCSE, which isn't cool because PDPR is a bitch. Dammit. 

I seriously have no idea where to go from here but I'll try. 

Also, I forgot to announce though, I wrote another story about a few months ago, replacing Teach Me Love from before since this one is much more planned and with an outline for real this time. 

The story is The Thing About Hearts and Minds. 

Main pairing, as before is Anubis x Shao Long. 

Rivalling pairing is Charles x Shao Long. 

Whatever it is that I wrote before in Teach Me Love will not necessarily apply to the new story, so you can forget about all the drama and stuff from there. I tried to keep in character as well, and an OC there, Leo from Hong Kong, will not be the villain, so spare him the honor lmao. Now that it's midterm break and I have no extra classes like last time, I'm able to update more often now. 

Happy reading! 



Shao Long was sleeping when it happened. He wasn't entirely aware of the people who come and go, because honestly there wasn't much that needs to be done still. Shintarou and Albert had been working together now, especially since Shao Long told them that the number codes sent to Zhen Yangyang might have a lot to do with the task they were currently deaaling with, so Shintarou made sure to focus some of the satellites around the area of the coordinate, while Albert looked up the information about the area, such as trade routes or airplane paths. Since it's somewhere in the Mediterranean Sea, Albert did ask for help from Gion and Felix. Ciel was asked too, but he was also busy with the search for the heart. 

Speaking of the search, they did receive some good news from both India and Japan. While Japan was thinking of giving an artificial heart by bioengineering, India showed some signs of a potential patients. 

Ciel had to dismiss the first proposal after he found out that building an artificial heart takes up about 10 years, and Japan was on their 8th year only. No one could wait for another two years, so he had to politely decline. An artificial heart was expensive and hard to make too, there was no way any country would just give up a valuable thing without wanting just money. So now, they just had to patiently wait for the news in India. 

Nova Sage was busy as well. Almost 80% of the time Shao Long was awake was spent discussing with him and Evan, as well as Dr Micah. Their discussion was never heard by anyone, including Charles, which of course rendered the blond upset. 

It seems, Shao Long's plan was more detailed with these adults and they do in fact know much more than the rest of them do. 

It was currently around Tuesday the next week, around the time Micah finally publicized Shao Long's awakening. Not that people don't know, but this was going to be the first time others would know as well, such as the side doctors and nurses. By doing this, they will now be open for any attacks from Xi Shen Ko. Shao Long and Evan made sure that none of his students step into the hospital from that day onwards, or maybe except Charles who should and must remain there for both their aid and as Shao Long's companion (lmao). 

Not that anyone was complaining anyway. The ship has long left the harbour after all. 

Shao Long had to admit, the people around him were all amazing, and knowing what Dualism means now give him more confidence that he was going to win this round, though it very much depends on whether or not his guess was correct about the journal. But if it was true of how he interpret the journal's meaning, then he was certain that the one setting themselves into a trap was actually Xi Shen Ko, or more specifically, the split that was the cause of all this misfit. 

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