Chapter 10 - First Class

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A\N: So now will be a scene of our beloved Shao Long and Charles!


"Nice to meet you! My name is Xi Shao Jun, and I am Shao Long's twin brother. I'll be in your care" Shao Jun cupped his hands and bowed like how he did in the principle's office.

To make things easier, Principle Evan had arranged all of the MPP members into the same class, both to get them to get along, and to supervise the 'protagonistic' princes' grades. Shao Jun would've been delighted if it weren't for the fact that a certain blond with blue eyes was constantly glancing at his twin brother in curiosity.

"I am Xueyang, Shao Long and Shao Jun's assistant. I will also be attending classes from now on, so I would like to make myself clear on something." Xueyang gave off his 'I want to kill you' vibe and glared at each of his new classmates.

'Oh no.....' Shao Long immediately knew what this assistant of his wanted to say, and he didn't like it at all.

"Hurt any of my Young Masters, and see to it that you won't live to tell the tale" Xueyang smiled, one that very much resembles a demon on the loose.

With this, almost everyone shivered in fear, while Shao Long just want to hide in a hole somewhere out of pure embarrassment....

The teacher nervously chuckled before asking the two to take their seats at the back where it was empty, and as much as they both wanted to sit with Shao Long, they could only ignore their hearts as they saw Shao Long giving them a death stare, warning them not to make a scene.

"Hmph! Tomorrow we'll sandwich him from both sides and see if that blond dared to glances at him again!' They both shared the same thought.

On his way to the back, Shao Jun leaned down to whisper in Shao Long's ear in chinese "That bastard is staring at you again, he's definitely up to no good".

With a raised brow, Shao Long replied "Who?"

Slightly annoyed by his dense brother, Shao Jun sighed "That blonde with blue eyes!"

"You mean Charles?" Shao Long hissed back in confusion, but Shao Jun had already left him. Instinctively, Shao Long glanced at the said American guy, and they locked gaze once more.

In that instant, both looked away from each other.......

Shal Long's mind be like 'WTF DID I DO, I DON'T REMEMBER PISSING HIM OFF!!!'

Meanwhile, Charles be like '............ Why was I staring at him again?'

Alex noticed their action and couldn't help but be curious. These two were surprisingly silent towards each other, but eye contact is still existent......

What could it possibly be......

What he and the others didn't know was the fast that the American was in a good mood, and his cheeks were red all the way after class........ Heck, even he didn't realize it himself.

Shao Long had seriously tried to ignore the glances, causing him to almost not paying attention in class. Thankfully, with his high IQ, he was able to divert his attention unhesitantly. Meanwhile, Shao Jun wasn't even trying to pay attention. In his laptop ( he uses a laptop to copy notes ), Chinese curses were being typed every few seconds as he furiously let out his anger towards a certain someone. That blond American really knows no shame!!

"So the next question, Shao Jun, please answer it" the teacher said and turned to Shao Jun with a smile. Clearly, she was testing to see if he's as smart as his brother. Or at least that's what they all thought. After all, everyone was slightly shocked. They thought that Shao Long was an only child and this brother of his suddenly made an appearance. He was most probably home schooled.

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