Chapter 129: Time Goes On

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Fic is gonna end in like 2 chapters, including this one. Now what did I promise? Angst. 


The world moved in a blur after that day. 

Distantly at the back of his mind, he registered the chaos that erupted among the public, a bunch of reporters filling in the Student Council meeting room, asking questions, and questions and questions to everyone who were involved in the terrorism act on Momosu Hospital that day. The calls from Poposi Island, demands of Princess Han to know of the state of the Academy as well as the wellbeing of the princes, did litte to calm the nerves building from the tension created from the news they've just received a day ago. The princesses of Poposi had never met Shao Long. They never knew him, so it didn't matter too much to them to hear about the news of his death. To lose a fellow peer, however, one lost to a terrorism act on the island's hospital was enough to make them send their personal condolences. It still shocked them to watch the livestream video of a man admitting to a ton of crimes whilst holding a gun to their friend's forehead, but the bigger matter was more deserving of their sympathy. Shao Long was dead. The heart Neelam had looked for in India had failed to save a life.  teenager abused by his own father did not get the chance to live a life knowing he was safe from the man's grip. 

That alone was enough to make them mourn. 

Anubis had disappeared for a day before returning back to them for Micah to treat his broken ribs, all the while avoiding the crowd of reporters and the public's eyes. For all that he was a free soul, he was still the next king of Egypt, waiting to inherit the throne. People would want to know about his involvement, his admittance, his part of the attack. And while he hated the noise, he hated more of being invaded, hated being seen when he didn't want to be seen, hated that he failed of all things, to save someone from their own fathers. He told himself that there was no way he could save everyone with daddy issues in the world, but just this once, he was allowed to feel the nostalgic pain of losing a brother. 

Shao Jun disappeared and did not return. Xueyang followed him after he received treatment. The two Chinese had went over to the adults of China who brought news from the Chinese government before being swept away to discuss the things that came afterwards. The princes, Evan, Nova and Godfreg were not easily as fooled though. The sound of incoherent shouting from the other room was enough to tell them how upset Shao Jun had been. Upset wasn't even so powerful a word to describe Shao Jun's screams. It was broken, voice hoarse from the long minutes of continuous shouting and screaming and wailing, he sounded grievous, furious, wretched. At the end of his screams, there was a sound of weeping, soft and exhausted. 

They hadn't seen or heard from Shao Jun since. 

Xueyang limped to them a few hours before the Chinese flew back to China. His gaze was casted down, hiding the red rims of his eyes. His voice was low as he spoke, thanking them for their efforts, and that he would be forever indebted to them, that if they ever needed any help, he would do anything in his power to aid. Xueyang's limp looked painful, though one look at the man told them that the pain in his heart was much more unbearable than the wound itself. They offered to help him move. He refused. They didn't ask further. 

Rong Yu did not speak to them at all. Neither did the Zhen family, or Rong Shen. Zhen Yangyang managed to retrieve the evidences still kept in Shao Long's drive without losing a single word of it. They also found all of Shao Long's medical records that were made by Xi Shen Ko's personal doctor, all of which were sent to court to aid with Xi Shen Ko's sentencing. The girl hadn't spoken a word more about Shao Long's death, only keeping her head down and careful with her words, neither breaching the topic nor acknowledging it. The Chinese all returned after that, saying that they were to be involved in the court. 

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