Chapter 130: The End

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Charles had all the reasons he needed to kill Micah. 

Oh, and Evan too. 

Now add Xueyang, Shao Jun, the Zhens, the Rongs and the whole of Chinese government, into the equation, and we would get a grand murder plan designed by Charles, with his accomplice co-leading Anubis.

Shao Long probably deserved his wrath too, but he was just too sweet, and Charles had only just gotten him back. he wasn't going to lose him again. But that didn't mean he couldn't punish him.

So that was how Shao Long ended up being tickled half to death by Charles, with the help of Alex, Albert, Ciel and Leon. Felix was removed from the attack before anyone could break a nose in the process, but Shao Long did manage to receive the end of the Spanish prince's very devilish fingers. Gion, Livio and Shintarou were too cool to join in, but they did record the whole incident with their phones, taking pleasure in his suffering. 

It started out like this. 

Micah and Evan had it all planned out from the beginning. 

When they were discussing Pavlov classical conditioning, Micah pointed out that what matters most was that Shao Long was safe, in case Xi Shen Ko wasn't caught. They had planned Shao Long's apparent death, and wanted first and foremost to get Xi Shen Ko as far away as he could from his father, and if it involved making the man think his son was dead, then so be it. But otherwise, another important matter to this was that Shao Long's reputation would basically crumble to dust if he survived. No one would trust him, especially knowing what he could do, what he had done, what he had aided Xi Shen Ko with throughout his life, and while some people would be willing to help, no one would completely separate Shao Long's identity to Xi Shen Ko's ruthlessness. Especially since it became apparent to everyone how Shao Long could be just as dangerous as his father had he wanted to be. 

So they worked together with the Chinese government, or rather, they forced them into submission to create a new identity for Shao Long to live with. A new name, a new background, a new history. All for the sake of hiding him from the unfair judgement of the world. 

And Shao Long had only been aware of it the day he woke up after the very successful surgery Micah had hid, because truly, that doctor had been right about stuff. He really didn't want to go out in public treated like an international victim. Right after he agreed, Micah and Evan immediately flew to China to beat threaten some asses into giving Shao Long a new identity altogether. 

The six months he spent missing was him recovering from both the heart transplant and his mental trauma. 

It worked well for everyone. 

"I go by Yue Shao now." Shao Long grinned at them after his very dull and very blank explanation. 

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