Chapter 4 - Dazed

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"I'll lend you my hairdryer in the meantime. This weekend you can go out to buy a new one" Livio said as he brought out his own hairdryer. All the while, Gion was bandaging Shao Long's burnt hands. The Chinese boy was getting uneasy and after saying his thanks, he turned to Gion, saying "I can do it myself".

"Be obedient" Gion snapped his gaze directly into Shao Long's eyes, frightening him. With that, Shao Long immediately shut up.

Then suddenly, he heard the sound of the hairdryer being turned on. He immediately turned back to Livio, who was currently blowing dry his hair. "L- Livio, I can do it myself later!"

What the hell is up with these people?!!

"Eh? I insist!" Livio didn't bother stopping. Shao Long's hair was silky and pitch black, so beautiful that he couldn't help touching. Black hair was quite rare in Italy. Most of them are brunette. That, and Shintarou wouldn't let anyone touch his hair. Not that Shao Long would, but he didn't care.

Shao Long sighed and looked down to his hands that were currently being bandaged by Gion. Shintarou was figuring out the cause of the explosion of the hairdryer. Now they were at the living room.



Gion finished bandaging Shao Long's hands and returned to the first aid kit. Shao Long immediately inched away from him, pretty much uncomfortable. Seeing thus, Gion spoke "Get back here, we're not done yet".

Shao Long flinched and nervously turned to the Italian prince " We're.....not?"

"Your face is still burned" Gion himself sat closer to the Chinese out if impatience and grabbed his chin to look up at him. His actions caused Shao Long to gasp ever so slightly, but still managed to attract Gion's attention. Shao Long immediately looked away from Gion's gaze, although he was still facing him. Gion continued to add some more bandages on the youth's face.

While working, he noticed Shao Long was looking everywhere except him. "Look at me" he suddenly said, shocking the other. Almost instantly, Shao Long snapped his eyes towards Gion, showing anxiety and slight uneasiness.

Gion suddenly found himself unable to look away as their gazes locked. His own brown eyes stared back at the onyx orbs that were restless. He didn't know why, but he was mesmerized. Terribly mesmerized.

"....... Umm.......Gion, are you okay?" Shao Long asked when the prince's hands stopped moving. Gion immediately broke out of his daze and shook his head. Thinking about his thoughts earlier, he wanted to curse himself. What the hell was he doing........

Gion continued to bandage Shao Long's face, his eyes directed away from the youth before him. This only caused Shao Long to be more and more confused.

Once done, Gion noticed the burn on Shao Long's nose and began rummaging through the first aid kid for a plaster.

Shao Long finally breathed out a sigh of relief. Any longer and he might not control his anxiety. Just then, he suddenly felt slight tickle at the back if his head. He turned around, only to see Livio braiding his hair.

"Livio, I really can do it myself!"

"Let him do what he wants" Gion suddenly said without looking up, causing Shao Long's jaw to drop and Livio smirking to his ears.

Shintarou had to resist the urge to laugh as he observed their priceless expressions. The pair of Italian boys were clearly babysitting Shao Long without a care in the world.........

Ah poor him.......

"But Gion!" Shao Long turned to the prince, only to be stopped when the said person placed a plaster on his nose.

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