Chapter 107: Dualism

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Sorry guys, the weekend was full of classes. Help me I'm dying.

This chapter contains very little dialogue, so please bear with me.


Shao Long was tired. Low blood pressure did contribute to his fatigue and dizziness. It was not enough to cause a splitting headache that prevent him from even moving. It was more like the sluggish feeling that spread through your whole body, starting from your throat, and throat specifically. It was hard to swallow anything, including water. Dr. Micah insisted he eat the hospital food, saying that no matter how bland or terrible it tasted, it provides the necessary nutrients he needs. Shao Long did comply. After all, growing up abused taught him to accept almost everything.

He had to fight back the urge to just lay down and sleep, because he knows his body won't necessarily let him sleep. He would've just laid there awake, suffering from some sort of headache. So in order not to be useless — he insisted that he needs to do something — Shao Long took it upon himself to read all the translated files.

It wasn't that he didn't know that everyone kind of expected him to read through it and give them him thoughts because he grew up with Xi Shen Ko by his side far longer than anyone else. He knew his father best.

Dr. Micah and some others had already spared him some of their basic thoughts. He quickly learned about the split personality they confirmed him to have, and the message given through a raid attack in the hospital the day he went through surgery. The emotional linkage between those splits, and even the psychological posthypnotic suggestion as said before by Anubis.

He surprisingly took it well.

They converted the translated pages into printed pages, worried that the previous accident would repeat. The chances are close to zero, as their devices wasn't as easy to hack anymore, but no one can be too careful. So like it or lump it, Shao Long read through all the papers while others Dr. Micah or Principal Evan was there supervising him. He had seen Dr. Micah more often than Evan, and from his words, his actions and tics, it didn't take long for Shao Long to figure out that the doctor was lying, though not in a bad way.

It seems Charles was the only one who knew of this matter, but Charles was no doctor. No matter how much he knew about Micah's lies, he still couldn't exactly tell what was really going on with Shao Long's heart. Only Micah could tell. A renowned doctor he is, Charles had said. Shao Long doubted this was the first time he lied about anyone's treatment to protect patients, because doctors in nature hated hated hated seeing their patients dying, even after their treatment plans.

He never talked it out with Micah either, fully aware that the man was tireder than he seems. As someone who does makeup as well, he could tell when a person hides their black circles. And the amount of caffeine taken for a doctor was almost impressive.

So he just read in silence, sometimes scribbling notes, sometimes listening to music — Shao Jun learned that the older the device, the harder it is for people to hack into, so he gave him a terrifyingly old mp3 player which works surprisingly well for him to entertain himself with — and it didn't matter what time it was, be it meal times or sleeping hours, as long as sleep did not claim him, Shao Long read.

The files were not a few. It was a short compiled journal of at most 20 years of someone's life. Compiled as it was, and short, it didn't change the fact that at least 600 pages were printed out.

But it was easy to read. Understandable, common words and sometimes verses of some poetry and quotes of novels made its way inside. Shao Long doubted Xi Shen Ko read novels at all. But here it was, some quote that he never heard of before, from unknown poetry books and novels which he had never heard about.

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