Chapter 1- No Turning Back

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"........Hello? Is Shao Jun there?"

"Gege?! Where are you?! I haven't seen you all morning!"

A\N: Gege means older brother in chinese. Please check the proper pronounciation first 😊

"I'm at the airport".

"Why in the world are you-.......... It's today, isn't it? You need to return today?"

"Sort of. Sorry I didn't tell you sooner".

" you really have to go? I mean, it's not like-"

"Shao Jun, come on, we talked about this....."

".........fine. Then,.......this is goodbye"

"Relax, it's just school"

"Yeah right. Anyway, be careful"

"You too.....goodbye"

Beep beep beep.......

The person on the other side of the phone, back in his own mansion, put it down and sighed, looking out the window. It was afternoon still, and with the wind blowing, the sound of birds singing by the house could be clearly heard. It was such a beautiful day. Such a cruel world.


Shao Long breathed out the shaky breath he didn't know he was holding. In front of him, laid Momos Academy, the academy established by Mr Evan, owner of Momos Island, principle of this very school. Such a prestigious school for noblemen from royalty to sons of noblemen. Half of the students inside can afford a personal jet. Some can even buy a company with a single snap of a finger, and although he himself was a nobleman of China, the son of the richest businessman of China, he felt like he didn't belong. Actually, he felt like he didn't belong anywhere, not even his own home back in China with his family.

"Toughen up, Shao Long, how difficult could it be?" He said to himself as he slowly stepped into the building. No one knew he would return today, other than Principle Evan and Godfreg of course. Shao Ling didn't know either it was to surprise the princes or just not acknowledging his presence. Either way, it's not like he'll try anything. Not that it would work😒. Charles would always be the one to save the day.

Shao Long purposely used the path where not many people would use to the dorms. At this time, the MPP should be having their daily meeting and will mot return too soon. Shao Long slowly went up to his dorm room where he lived with Gion, Shintarou and Livio. God knows what had happened these two months he was gone. Maybe the three didn't even feel his disappearance. Heck, what was he talking about? There was no way they missed him. Rather, they should've felt relieved.....

Shao Long continued his steps as quiet as possible. The other students should be back. Curse him for not taking an earlier ticket. He could hear the noise as walked past doors, slightly hoping none of them decided to come out. He didn't want to meet anyone at the moment.

But, just in case......

Shao Long wore his signature smile and walked happily to his dorm room, each step heavier than the storm in his mind.

If only things turned out to be the better.

Once he reached his room, he expected the grey white paint and grey curtains. All of it screamed wealth and elegance. Looks like nothing changed after all. Should be a good thing.

Shao Long entered his room, only to be greeted by the same arrangement of furnitures, with nothing out of place. The door wasn't locked, but it seems like no one had entered. That would've been what Shao Long believed if it weren't for the fact that not even a speck of dust could be seen.

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