Chapter 38 - He Didn't Return

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Phew! Damn cliffhanger......


Thunder rumbled once again. Shao Jun gasped under his breath but quickly regained his posture. He was currently in his own room, looking out the window with a frown. It was getting darker each minute and he still hadn't received a call from Xueyang saying that Shao Long is back.

Just an hour ago, he went to Shao Long's room in hope of finding his twin brother, but he wasn't there. Xueyang had said that maybe Shao Long went out for a stroll and had yet to come back. Shao Jun highly doubted that Shao Long would tale a walk of he's exhausted. But then again, anything can happen.

It was raining.

Surely Shao Long would've returned by now........

Knock knock..

Shao Jun turned to the door, biting his lips. Who could it be?

Opening the door, Shao Jun was half surprised to see Alex, smiling like a clown. "Dinner's ready!"

"Oh. Um....okay" Shao Jun forced a smile. Alex noticed his uneasiness and decided to question him "Is everything alright?"

"..... It's nothing" Shao Jun shook his head and followed Alex to the dining table where the princes were all waiting once again.

"You know, you should just come out at 7 pm everyday for dinner. You're always welcome" Alex said as he took his seat, next to Shao Jun and Charles. The same seat as yesterday.

"Is that so? Then, I'm glad!" Shao Jun replied with a smile.

They ate like yesterday. The only differences were the dish and Shao Jun himself who was quieter than usual.

Just then, Charles spoke up "Shao Jun, has Shao Long returned yet?"

Shao Jun was beyond surprised and suspicious towards this American blond. Who wouldn't? This guy was literally asking about the well being of someone he could care less about just a few months ago.

"No, he hasn't. Or if he has, I wouldn't know. My phone is with him" Shao Jun decided to ignore the odds and amswered truthfully.

"That virus thing? Did he tell you what mind of virus was left in your phone?" Charles still kept on questioning. Although his expression is that of his normal one, if you look closely enough, you could tell that he was genuinely concerned about the whole thing and, like Shao Jun, could feel that something is going wrong.

"No he didn't".

"...." Charles went silent once again.

Right after dinner, the rain had gotten worse. One could hardly hear anything three meters away. They decided to not use the TV and just play simple card games. Shao Jun just watched since he was too worried to be thinking about other things.

A few minutes after the game started, Alex received a phone call from Xueyang. Answering the call, Xueyang asked Alex to hand over the phone to Shao Jun like yesterday.

Shao Jun had a bad feeling about it and went over to his room to talk in private.

"What is it this time? Did Gege come back already?" Shao Jun asked.

"No, he's not. He hasn't returned and the rain had been for hours now. I'm gonna look around the school. Stay inside and don't come out. It's dangerous" Xueyang said with a sense of urgency in his voice. Shao Jun could tell from the noise in the back that Xueyang was donning a rain cloak.

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