Chapter 13 - Red Is A Good Colour On You

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A/N: Honestly speaking, I'm super terrible at making sweet scenes. It's just that I don't have any fantasies of having a guy being all sweet and doting so I don't really get how a person feels love between each other. So my scenes may be bland. A lot bland, but I'm trying. Any suggestions please?

Charles x Shao Long's sweet scene incoming!!!


"Yes! He encouraged us to study!" Leon said sternly, causing all of them to sweatdrop in awkwardness...

"" Somehow, Shao Long had a bad feeling about this.

"Like, really study? Not anything else? Did he mention the game? Or why he didn't go to school before or anything?"

"Well he did mention the game, but..........let's just say..........nothing bad, nothing we don't already know" Alex said, hoping that his friends would cooperate "Oh, he also said that you mention Charles a lot!"

Like a thunder in his heart, Shao Long expression turned to that of a panicked expression. His face instantly became beet red in embarrassment "He said what?!!"

Charles raised a brow upon the Chinese's reaction. He couldn't help but chuckle, only causing Shao Long to blush even harder.

"He did say you mention me a lot. I'm honoured" the American teased.

"No you are not! I didn't mention you a lot. Even if I did, it's not a good mention!" Shao Long felt like burying himself in a hole.

"Really? But he said that you said that I'm not at fault two months ago" Charles put on a hurt expression, causing the other to flinch.

"T-That's because.......because you..........aren't? Look, forget he said anything, and you! Back off!" Shao Long nervously stepped away when Charles began inching closer to him step by step like a predator. Their difference in height caused Shao Long to look up towards the blond. Truthfully, Charles could get really intimidating, and it didn't feel any different from when a lion standing before a housecat.........

Shao Long was slightly trembling, who knows why. It could be fear, maybe anxiety. But one thing for sure, his face was still beet red.

With a smile, Charles leaned down till their faces were two inches apart and said "So you really think I'm not guilty? Could it be that you've forgiven me?"

Charles breath tickled the Chinese's nose, and due to the sensitivity of skin, that particular place was redder than his whole face.

Something within Shao Long exploded like a volcano.......

"You're such a tease!" Shao Long pushed his face away with a swipe of his hand and ran towards the opposite direction, face still red as ever.

Charles laughed but still managed to shout from afar "By the way, red is a good color on you!!"

"Charles of America, I FREAKING HATE YOU!!" Shao Long shouted in reply.

"Yeah yeah, we all know that" Charles said to himself with a satisfied smile. Alex couldn't help but laugh it off. Albert an Ciel was still pretty much astonished. They turned to each other and somehow had the same thought......

Felix cheerfully said "Shao Long seems easy to get along with now that Shao Jun is here. And I still don't know what he meant by Charles not being guilty. Charles, did you do something again?"

"Hey hey, he himself said that I'm not guilty, then I'm not. Relax."

"But it's true that Shao Jun did encourage us to study" Leon said, earning sighs from almost everyone. "And we still have the chance. We have tutoring sessions with the tutors still of course".

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