Chapter 28 - Dinner With The Princes

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Shao Jun sighed for who knows how many times already that night. He didn't come out for dinner, and that wasn't the first time. This time, however, was worse than before. He somehow felt uneasy, as if something went wrong. He wanted to call his brother, but his phone was with Shao Long. Now he started to regret giving him his phone.

Should he borrow someone else's phone? Should he ask Alex? Or maybe just go there at this hour? Going to Shao Long's dorm doesn't sound too bad. After all, he had gone there to sleep without his brother noticing too once.

But the distance isn't that short to begin with. The number of stairs was a work of devilry.... To make matters worse, due to him acting like he wasn't injured the whole day, his knees just refused to work anymore. Now, he could barely walk for three minutes without sitting down.

What to do, what to do.......

Knock knock!

Shao Jun jerked his head towards the door with a frown. How strange. This might be the first time someone knocked on his door ever since he entered here. Walking over to the door, Shao Jun opened it by a little, peeking through the small crack.

Alex's cheerful face appeared right in front of him.

Out of shock, Shao Jun slammed the door close as hard as he could, his hand clutching his chest.

What was........

Oh it's just Alex.

Slowly, Shao Jun reopened the door, this time wider, mumbling and apology for the unintentional door slam "I'm so sorry, I was just shocked!"

Alex, who was pretty much startled by the previous treatment, chuckled "It's okay. I just want to call you out for dinner. We're having steak and mashed potatoes!"

" want me to come out for dinner?........ Don't you feel uncomfortable with me at the dining table?" Shao Jun squinted his eyes nervously. He was aware that the princes in the dorms aren't too glad he was there, and to avoid awkwardness, Shao Jun tend to not meet up with them by any means possible. Usually, there would be some food left at the table later at night, and that was when Shao Jun would come out and eat some. He didn't necessarily eat too much, but he always did the dishes as thanks for the meal.

This was the first time they asked him to come out for dinner. He was really uncomfortable.........

"Well, the only way to avoid being uncomfortable and live happily here, we should dine together more often! That way, there won't be any awkwardness among us, and everyone will be happy!" Alex exclaimed.

Shao Jun couldn't refrain himself from chuckling. "You're so optimistic" he commented.

"Hehe, it's good to be optimistic. But if you don't want to come out for dinner, then I won't force you. It's just that I'd love to dine with you once in a while".

" do you say this. I'm pretty sure you know that the Chinese people love eating together, right? Well, Shao Long always had that. But since I never came out before, I never had the chance to eat with more than two other people. I'd love to try dine with more people!" Shao Jun carefully arranged his words, hoping he wouldn't accidentally offend someone.

"That's wonderful! Then, follow me" Alex gestured for Shao Jun to follow him.

Shao Jun was left stupefied "You mean right now?!"

"Uh, yeah? Dinner's ready, and everyone's waiting for you".

"E-Everyone?! As in, all the princes? Waiting in the dining room, for me?! Should I change my clothes or something first?!"

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