Chapter 16 - Impressive

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Sorry guys, homework is piling like crazy. And I don't know how I still managed to think of something about the business affairs. In any case, I have never learned business before, so of this thing is not logical, then please pardon me. I can't just go around asking a CEO how's life, now can I? 😆😆

And guy's, I'd appreciate some comments to boost me up!


"Come. Impress me".

Pretty tense for a challenge. Principle Evan was a successful man no doubt. And he couldn't even read when he reached his teens. Somehow, gifted people don't need much time to be successful. Doesn't mean they can't be impressed. Generally, Shao Long would be nothing compared to Evan. But what he had in store could probably shock him too. Who knows?

"Fine. Though, I don't think it's gonna work all that smoothly" Shao Long sat across Principle Evan and placed a pen and a sheet of paper before them.

"Gather round, kids. This might be a pretty good show learn from. Since your family is one of the richest family in the world, I'm curious to see if the apple falls not too far from the tree" Principle Evan smirked. With that, the princes took their seats. Godfreg also got an extra chair for himself beside Principle Evan.

"The apple does fall not too far from the tree, but somewhere with a better brook maybe" Shao Long said, but didn't look up from the piece of paper. He did have a knack for business like his father, but he does not inherit his personality and attitude.

"The investor in Dubai, even if we pay them back, they will not be too fond of us. They might even change the ownership of the project to the Mo Ye Corporates. The relationship between these two must be good. Although the Mo Ye was once our ally, our father never had the time or need to have a chat with the owner. Our relationship isn't very good then.

But since our father is not willing to fish out some money from his account, it didn't matter much. Money isn't the only valuable asset. We can give him some of our staffs, free of charge. We'll still pay those staffs, but they'll work under him. The staffs given must be those with ideas. Hua Lun corporates have more than needed, and I'm sure he wouldn't notice if some of his staffs are gone. And if the investor is still isn't satisfied, we could be the bridge between him and other producers. Each time he would invest on a project, we would help them get a higher rate of return. It does not put us at any disadvantage, but we will need more ally. Zhen Yiwei might be able to help us with that.

That is about the favour and apology for the investor. Now, in Mo Ye's case, surely we are on bad condition. If they turn back from the ally, we probably won't have enough support. Not everyone likes the Hua Lun anymore like our father thought. But since not even us ever met the owner, we cannot really get them to agree.

Father loves his face and money more than his life. He would probably rather spent his life eating instant noodles at home than admitting defeat. That being said, he would never pay the money back.

We also don't have that much money in our hands, and even if we are to repay them, we would be left with nothing. Why would we do that?

So I've been thinking about saving his face and repaying them at the same time. If we could get the Mo Ye to understand the situation and cooperate, then we can fish out the money from one of our father's account without him knowing. Then, slowly fill that amount back, using the company's income, maybe 10% per project. But in court, we could have them forgive us, and endure our father's mockery. That's the hardest part. Since we're not really friends with the Mo Ye, getting them to cooperate is rather hard. Especially with us not being able to deal with this issue back in China.

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