Chapter 18 - Trust You

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10 years ago......


A punch landed on the boy's cheek. They were six at that time, and supposedly, their little punches wouldn't hurt that much. But this little youth with braided hair managed to break the other boy's nose.

"I said, apologize!"

"No way!"

"Someone call the teacher!" a student yelled, but it did not stop Shao Long. He gripped on the boy's collar hard, and despite all the students pulling him away, he did not let go. He himself was surprised by his strength.

But it didn't matter.

Because this boy insulted his younger brother, saying Shao Jun was a cripple, bound to die. They said he was going to die too. They said he's weak. Said he was fragile and delicate.

Shao Long hated people for insulting his appearance. Or if anyone insulted his brother. Shao Jun was innocent. What did he do to deserve such a bad treatment. Even if he wasn't there, Shao Long being the talkative child he was, he'd tell other children about Shao Jun. He never thought they'd insult him.

And children had bad temper.

Just then, a blond boy with blue eyes got in between him and the student "Please stop! I'm against violence!"

It was Charles of course.

"Let go of me!" Shao Long yanked his arm away from the him, and tried to reach the boy that already ran away from them. But Charles decided that its best to hold him back.

It didn't end well. He too was punched.

"Xi Shao Long!!" the teacher shouted. She had just entered after a student called her. And seeing two injured boys and one with a look of surprise, fists clenched, she couldn't help but be mad.

These children really love to cause trouble.

"Come to my office right now!"


Shao Long gritted his teeth. He had confronted Charles right after going to the teacher's office.

And now........

He was called again.

If the teacher could tolerate him before, not now. They had his parents called. Right now, his parents sandwiched him in front of the teacher, each had a look of disdain. Only his mother had a calmer look. Some could sense the worry in her eyes.

"I'm sorry, but I can't have a student running around hurting others, what am I supposed to say to their parents? Charles is the son of a powerful politician! His father could close down this school! Shao Long will have to attend another school".

"You don't have to worry about that, teacher" his father smiled at the teacher before giving a cold gaze to his son "Shao Long will return to China. He will be punished at home. I have inconvenienced you. I'll see to it that Shao Long learns from his mistake".

Shao Long shuddered as he heard this. He glanced at her mother, who gently closed her eyes. She couldn't face his son. Not without crying.

"B-but father..........that boy insulted Shao Ju-"

"Silence! No excuses. Your brother would be ashamed to be related to you!" With that, they left China.

And no, along the way, none of them spoke. Shao Jun couldn't sit beside Shao Long. Their father wouldn't let him.

He turned to the anxious child on his right "Xi Shao Long, when we get back, see how I deal with you".


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