Bad Day・Movie

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It had been months since Garmadon had first made his change to good, meaning that it had been months and months of mere embarrassing moments of his father trying to help, only it would offen end with people yelling out offensive language at him.

One morning Lloyd woke up to the smell of breakfast echoing through the apartment as he drozeily got out of bed, dreading the day he had knew would come for the entire week. It was going to be the day he took his dad to parents day at school. This would mean more and more of those moments and publicly for all to see.

Normally parents evening would have his mom come to it but, beacuse of her shift, Garmadon offered to accompany Lloyd to it seeing it as a good opportunity for whatever reason he has chosen. Lloyd changed his clothes and put on his usual green hoddie, hiding himself in his hood to see if it would help him cheer up
'Oh god this is going to be absolutely terrible' he couldn't help but think to himself.

--at the school--

"Well I certainly hope you have been good at school Luh-Lloyd, mabye after this we could-" Lloyd turned to look at his overly cheery father with an aloof stare which signalled to the former overlord how much his son just wanted to head home and back to bed, he wasn't up for any of his father's stupid antics today. Not when all could go wrong and be noted down by the already hateful public.

"OH come on Luh-Lloyd! It isn't so bad right? I mean I'm at least trying!" Garmadon said noisily, bring some rather interested company to the scene.

"dad. Could you please keep your voice down, it's bad enough without you yelling like a maniac." Lloyd grumbled as his father turned his face into a frown, he was about to respond before some rude bistander interrupted, laughing at the two males.

"wow, you really are a freak, and I though they were joking but you're even worse up close!!" this rather rude young lady taunted Garmadon while scoffing, a young man behind her just around Lloyd's age joined in with the chaos.

Lloyd watched as Garmadon's eyes narrowed, looking the kids up and down as if he was analysing them, like he was challenging them. "Alright punks no need to judge" he growled, his voice rumbling in his chest while Lloyd's face grew a embarrassed shade of pink whilst fidgeting with his fingers.

However the two only laughed louder, this obviously upset Garmadon more. He turned his back and began to walk away, Lloyd trailing behind him. "yeah walk away you freak!! Go back to the circus you fa-"

"dad?.." Lloyd reached his hand out to his father as the walked to the room they were assigned to. "Let's just go to the meeting for fucks sake" Garmadon snarled as they stormed down the hallways.

--after the meeting when they were in the streets walking home--

Once the meeting were over, Lloyd and Garmadon found themselves speedwalking down one of the very busy streets. As more people saw them even more disses and curses came from their spiteful mouths mostly about garmadon's aperance or abnormalities such as his arms, Lloyd began to feel himself concerned for what might be going through his father's head knowing full well the conversions his mother and his father had held every night after day they described similar to this.

But as more and more people yelled at him or even mumbled about garmadon, Lloyd couldn't help but have this erge to look at his father's face. And when he did, he regreted it so much...

It made the boys heart sink, the way the tears were welling up in Garmadon's eyes as he desperately tried not to cry in front of so many people and make a fool out of himself. The way his eyes had beagn to glow with fear and sadness.

Garmadon felt a tear slip down his face before he dashed down a small ally way, he grabbed out his phone and called koko to pick them up once she had finished her shift, his voice cracking and shaking as he did so.

--once she collected them--

The entire car journey was quiet.
"Garmadon, hun are you alright?"
No answer. Lloyd reached his hand out to his father only for Garmadon to pull away, grumbling as he did so.

--another time skip!!! (sorry)--

Garmadon pushed the door open before awkwardly walling in, Lloyd and Koko following close behind him. Koko moved around her husband so that she stood infront of him, she swiftly locked him to a gentle but tight hug and stood there for a solid few minutes.

She could feel a tear slip on to her face, she knew full well that he was sensitive about his changed body, his 4 arms, his red eyes and even his fangs could be made fun of and mocked. It wasn't easy, especially after all he had done.

"we love you Garm, no matter what may happen, we'll be here for you" Koko Said while Lloyd joined the pile

It was now a short while later and Lloyd thought about how his father acted, he began to doubt himself and tried to dismiss the negative thoughts with little success.

He paced around slightly, deep in though Lloyd hadn't noticed his father sneaking up behind him - it took Garmadon no time to get into action.
He grabbed Lloyd around the waist and span him round and round until he dumped him on the sofa laughing,though the green ninja was shook he brushed it off and began laughing along with the oni.

"got you!" he chuckled gently but as their laughter eased off into a comfortable silence, Lloyd monuvered himself to a sitting position on the sofa where his dad joined him.
"what's on your mind?" he asked patiently and calmy and yet his deep voice was a shock to the young boy's mind.

"Thinking about today is all, I felt really-" Lloyd mumbled only to get cut off but his father he pokes at his son's neck causing him to flinch madly. "hey! What the hell!" he exclaimed with a grin covering his face, he knew where this was going and it wasn't good.

Garmadon just chuckled evily and gackled as his continued to tackle Lloyd and tickle him to death, the boy was laughing so hard he began to cry. Shortly after the attack, Garmadon moved off him and relaxed on the sofa still chuckling at his sons reaction.

Alas... this wouldnt be a tickle fight with just one person getting tickled- that would just be a tickle attack....

Lloyd poked at his father's waist just above his lower arms causing the man to flinch away smirking, he slowly moved away from the boy who was also grinning but backed up into a wall giving the green ninja the chance he needed, it was only a small second for Garmadon to be reduced to pile of laughter and hysterical cackles as the fight continued.

After a while, thier laughter turned winded and they both gave up, still silently giggling.

When Koko found them, they were fast asleep on the sofa wrapped up in a blanket with a horror film in the background, a character screamed making both flinch awake only to doze right off again- 'like father, like son' she chuckled to herself

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