Meanwhile In The Departed Realm ・S8

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He felt a weightlessness that was far less than comforting to him, the alien feeling ran down his spine as he struggled to recollect his thoughts and memories from past occurrences and incidents but nothing came to him. He was left without thought and without any true feeling, any natural feeling.

He allowed his eyes to dash around looking for a source of light or something familiar to him but had no success and as such gave up with no hesitation to just close his eyes. After all, how could tell he even had his open, it's not like he felt anything or saw anything or heard anything. Nothing but that weightlessness that left his cold and alone in the dark abyss of what he feared was death.

Suddenly, a light appeared to his eyes and drowned him with a sick, purple hue. All his senses seemed to kick in as he was swolled by this overwhelming cascade of pain.

He gasped for breath like it was nessicary for survival that he escaped from ages ago, he was dead not alive but here was breathing and screaming as if he was. A strangled laugh forced itself out from his chest, the maniacal peels of laughter completely at odds with his fear and pain but it was his laugh nonetheless.

The agony consumed his every thought and all he could do was beg it to stop but no words formed. A growl of pain shot out from him as the flames of the pain grew larger and wilder with inaudible voices now floating around the purple-hued abyss.

I hear you, feel you. Come! Be mortal once again. Your son wants to stop you- But I want to make you stronger!

A howl escaped his mouth as the seering agaony grew and grew once again and it did not hesitate to torment him. The feeling spread throughout his body, threatening him with its burdening presence as he desperately tried to understand the words for what they were and not this unintelligible bable he avoided hearing with his intense concentration.

It is I, Harumi. Come to me, follow my voice-

He focused with all his might on her words. Ignoring his pain the best he could, he tried.

"Ha-ru-mi?" His voice was hoarse and strangled with might, he struggled with every breath, every syllable stung his throat with the pain that filled his body.

Your time is now!

Silence was all around him beside his silent gasps as an electrifing pain hit his body every now and then.

Some words were spoken again but not to him this time, they were fuzzier and blurred together slightly with unidentifiable words being said, to someone else perhaps.

He could hear more noise now; wind rushing past his ears, a clamour of voices and maybe screams of effort and violence. What he did hear however was his own deep voice erupting into an agonising screech of pain as he was completely overwhelmed with a burning sensation of corruption.

He could hear someone else screaming too, that girl. That 'Harumi' girl but she was upset, not pained.

Everything went silent after that and he returned back into his abyssal state and remained like that for while. Until he could feel again.

He reached up with his hand breaking the surface of his new confinement with success.

Come to me, follow my voice.

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