Broken Vows・s3 Garmadon And Lloyd

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Twas a request :)

Garmadon looked towards Lloyd with a grin, the green ninja was trying to learn control over a deeper elemental connection to the golden power that he supposedly possessed from his heritage.

Being the Green Ninja was was never said to be an easy task but it was one he was left with for all eternity. Being the great Lord Garmadon was also immensely difficult, Garmadon had faced alot of threats and dangers that his role had required him to do things he wished he didn't have to hurt his son or fight his family.

But now he had the power to keep his son safe, to protect him with all his might. It felt good, knowing he could now be the man, the father, he always wanted to be. But it also felt off. Like somthing was wrong with this but he tried pushing it to the side to not think about such a thing.

He instead looked ahead to his son, who's sillouet was surrounded by the setting sun's warm light reminding Garmadon of why he kept trying all those years ago.

The two had made their way down the nearby village they had spotted to get food and rest somewhere rather than worry about hunting for unnecessary reasons. Garmadon spied an Inn on the other side of the small town from where they had previously stood on the large hill. Slowly and steadily the father and son walked to said Inn with their stomachs rumbling.

The night air was fresh and the streets devoid of life aside from shop keepers closing down and people going out for a late evening stroll. Garmadon and Lloyd were careful to keep there voices hushed while laughing about jokes and silly memories they both were willing to share however that simply wasn't enough for some rude by stander who watched and spat in their direction.

Although Lloyd had not noticed this distasteful behaviour, Garmadon was more attuned to such activities from people and yet payed no real attention to it and continued to listen to his son with a kind smile. It was until a yell came out from the bistander as he ran towards Lloyd that Garmadon acted.

The man held a bottle in his hand and seemed to be drunk to the very core, he rushed towards the two with drunken intensity but intended to do some real damage, unlike the perffred situation where the drunk would be to.. well drunk to do any real damage.

The man's arm came rushing down to hit Lloyd's head with the bottle, it would of smashed into pieces and blood would of flown everywhere if Garmadon hadn't caught the arm and tsiwted it behind the man's back making is snap painfully.

The drunk screamed as his bone snapping at the grip Garmadon held before throwing him down to the floor with a glare. Lloyd looked to his dad in shock and what seemed to resemble fear. A familiar burning had returned to the older man's eyes, a fire and hatred that he could only remember seeing when he went to stop Garmadon from changing the city, back before the final battle when his family and frwinds went to defeat the oni.

He seemed to snap out of it with the flames behind his eyes dying down as he fell to the floor and held the drunk close. Lloyd didn't need to go far because some people, well very one within a few blocks radius had heard the scream and went to their windows or put the door to help.

Garmadon instantly looked panicked, hlthe colour rushed from his face making go pale at the proper realisation of what he had just done. A woman if thirty ran over to them with her own face looking pale, she was perhaps a friend or relative to the drunk especially with how fast she was to run to them.

"I'm so sorry, what did he do now!?" her voice was strained and words quick as she joined the men on the floor. "Shush now, I'm here hun" she soothed the man crying in her arms.
"I'm so sorry miss, he tried to attack us and my father tried to block him but he just fell to the floor, it sounded like he broke a bone or something" Lloyd safely explained without revealing the truth of the situation, if Garmadon was relieved he did well to mask it.

"You stupid man Barkly, allow me to take him to the hospital" Another man had appeared from behind Lloyd with his amrs outstretched to take the drunk from them. "Thank you both, please take this as our sorry for my husband's violence" her apologetic tone completely ruined Garmadon, he must of felt guilty, the look in his eyes said everything.

After a short while silence returned to the streets and Garmadon looked at his hands with fear or regret. "I boke a vow" he began.
"I think you broke more than just a vow dad" Lloyd tried to crack a joke to relive them of the painfu silence but with no success.
"I didn't even think, I just did it." Garmadon's eyes seemed to sparkle with shame with his gand in a tight fist now and his posture slouched in on itself. It served as a reminder to Lloyd wlthat Jo matter how different he was, Garmadon was still the oni he met with four arms, the man he was doomed to fight and his father.

"Let's just go to the Inn dad" Lloyd mumbled sadly to the other.


Lloyd sat down, feeling utterly defeated by his latest issue. He looked at his father who shared the silence with the same emotion.

"Lloyd, I know that this is difficult for you. Your powers is part of who you are and restricting them and then changing them will be forever difficult" Garmadon sat next to his son and wrapped his arm around the trembling boy, his hand stroked the green ninja's head gently.

Garmadon kissed the boys forehead softly and pulled him into a hug. "We'll figure this out" He whispered quietly. 'What about you?' Lloyd thought to himself but allowed that thought to fade away as he snuggled into the hug.

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