Valentines gifts・SurvivalShipping

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Sorry, it's late, I got tired.

Garmadon could never understand human celebrations, especially the ones about old men breaking into houses and leaving 'presents', it was all so bizarre to the oni but that wasn't to say he would instantly dismiss them. No, he was curious to understand.

Vinny had been going on and on about this Valentine's Day, or whatever it was known as, and even told Garmadon that he wanted to spend the day with his roommate.

The warlord's roommate had seemed so adamant about the two decorating the apartment with little red and pink heart bunting, little fake rose petals littered across the surface of the younger man's bed and nicely scented candles filled the air with their florescent scents. Garmadon had expected it all to look peculiar, but there seemed to be a lot of consistency with such a strange shape. 'Why do they even call it a love heart'

Once the apartment had been fully decorated with warmly hued hearts and flowers, Garmadon and Vinny could finally sit down. The large oni sat on the sofa, oblivious to the smaller man fidgeting in the corner, his face warm.
Garmadon raised his brow in the direction of Vinny, tilting his head in question but decided it was best he didn't bother the seemingly distressed human.

However, as time went on, Garmadon noticed how Vinny had disappeared from the apartment and kept the oni alone. Usually, Garmadon would have been upset by the sudden abandonment, but today, he took the time to learn about this Valentine's Day. 'This shan't take too long,' he thought. He was right, but not for the correct reason.

It had only been a few days ago that Vinny had commented on how he wanted to spend his Valentine's with Garmadon, at first the oni didn't think much of it, but now he saw a whole new meaning to it. Did Vinny love him, or was it pity or loneliness? No, surely someone as great as Vinny had a Valentine already, Garmadon must have been reading the situation incorrectly.

Nonetheless, the idea that his roommate wanted to spend some time with him on such a romantic day made his face feel warm.


The apartment door opened up, and Vinny walked in, a small shape hidden behind his back. Garmadon peered up from his place on the sofa, and he flashed Vinny a small smile.
"I got you a gift," Vinny grinned as he sat beside Garmadon, who only hummed his curiosity. "That's generous of you. Unfortunately, I can't say the same." Garmadon pouted as his roommate gave him the small box, chuckling as he did so. "Nah, that's fine G". Garmadon tore into the paper as gently yet efficiently as he could and stared at the plain brown box that hid inside.

Carefully, he opened it to reveal a phone. It was identical to Vinny's and already seemed set up. "See, I've copied all the thin about my phone that you liked and made sure you have everything you want." Vinny peered over Garmadon's shoulder while he inspected the familiar and new object.

"I do believe these were expensive, I didn't think you would waste valuable money on me like that." Garmadon stared at the man with a soft gaze.
"Yeah, well, I hoped maybe we could establish times when we can call during my breaks" He stared into the crimson eyes of the oni, watching how they shone in the light as he gave a test run of the phone.

He instantly began to type into it, purposely turning away from the small man. Suddenly, Vinny felt a vibration in his pocket and pulled out his phone to see a message from Garmadon.

Garmadon: Thank you.

Vinny: You're welcome :]

Vinny smiled and placed his hand on Garmadon's arm. "Don't call me during filming or when I'm asleep, alright?" He warned. "Understood"

Spoiler alert, later on, Garmadon 'accidentally' called our dear camera man at 1.30 in the morning.

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