Late Nights・Survivalshipping

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It was late at night, very late, almost 12.30 in the morning so maybe not night after all. Still, Vinny knew he would be in hot water with his roommate, usually if he was even 15 minutes late home Garmadon would be on his case about leaving him alone for so long, so he could only fear what was to truly come now.

The cold air hit the camera-man's face as he opened his vans door and headed inside the building of apartments and as Vinny walked into his apartment the first thing anyone would notice was the lack of light, the apartment was dark and made Vinny feel threatened, as if the shadows themselves were warning him to keep the lights off.

Half expecting Garmadon to snatch him up and demand to know where he had been for the past three hours, Vinny just slowly closed the door and reached for the bathroom light that was to his left, the white light illuminating the main doorway a bit just so he could see still. He walked causiously towards the living room with every step being painfully slow and fearful as if Garmadon were to kill from now where.

He used his phone, covering it with the cloth of his jacket to not disrupt the oni's darkness as he fumbled around with one of the drawers. Suddenly, as all his stress with the seemingly stuck drawer piled up, he heard a grunt, a very sleepy and annoyed grunt come from the direction of the sofa.

Vinny gave in and switched on the warm and gentle light in the corner of the room, he turned to see Garmadon staring at him with his red eyes parcially open with a small glare hidden behind its crimson colour. Vinny switched off his phone torch and moved himself to Garmadon who lay lazily across the sofa, stomach down and head resting on his arms, which in turn were resting on the armrest. He looked unhappy and yet somewhat pleased that Vinny had returned but was far too tired to express it.
After some mental debate, Vinny sat down next to the sofa on the floor and placed a delicate hand onto the oni's exposed hair, feeling Garmadon melt into the touch.

"Hey Garmadon, how are you?" He asked in a hushed and soft tone. Garmadon grumbled and swished his tail lazily. "I hear that!" Vinny said but paused for thought. "I'm gonna head to bed as well, sorry I woke you" He continued and gently stroked Garmadon's hair, he turned off the light again before walking off to his room to relax.

He brushed his teeth and changed his clothes and once he finally got into his bed, he heard a shuffling sound of clawd feet against the fabric of the carpet.

He looked up into the doorway to see two eyes glowing eerily from the hallway and yet they were staring longingly at him, like a dog when you have food albeit it was a completely different breed of dog Vinnys ever seen.

He huffed and patted the small space next to him at his feet and the figure pounced onto the bed. "Night Garm" He whispered and surprisingly gained a response.

"Night" The grwol of his beloved roommate had hints of affection, deep affection that Vinny was sure Garmadon would never understand while in the state he was in.

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