Aquaphobia・s3 Garm And Kai

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Kai had a secret. A terrible terrible secret that no one knew. Heck not even Nya knew. It was truly a secret he kept close to his heart that he had never let himself think about and yet here he was...

Kai had wanted to talk to Sensei Garmadon privately, perferebly about his progression as a human. That of course was false, he wanted to ensure that he thought Garmadon could be trusted and that was already proven difficult.

Garmadon had taken them both to the nearby waterfall that was surrounded by a little lake with rock is all sizes perfectly placed to lead to a stone of a perfect sitting place and yet Kai would not buge to follow the new Sensei.
"sit Kai" Garmadon said calmly while patting the rock next to him as he allowed his body to relax into the summer's breeze.

'I see, he knows' Kai scowled at the former oni before speaking with a strong voice. "Ha ha, very funny. You know Im scared of water so you lead me out here to talk to me. Well good bye Lord Garmadon" Kai confidently announced, turning his back on Garmadon with a flourish of pride, he didn't get tricked was all he could think.

"Your afraid of water? Now that is new" Kai froze at the realiseation that Garmadon didn't know. 'he would of already mocked you for it! Stupid Kai!' while Kai mentally slapped himself the Sensei moved to stand by the fire master and went to place his hand on the boy's shoulder but hesitated and decided not to.

"Yeah- I get that it's stupid, you don't need to tell me" he sulked but all he received was a polite chuckle from Garmadon. "Why, I don't think it's stupid at all. Its perfectly reasonable" Garmadon's odly smooth hand went to his hair as he pulled it form his eyes, Kai frowned at the sight of such a strange man being accociated by the name of his enemy.

Garmadon looked towards the other male with a raised brow but sincererity filling his voice. "Maybe I could try to help you with that fear?" Garmadon smiled as Kai's eyes widened and a nervous smile plastered itself across his face "No, no I'm f-fine" He forced himself to look as 'fine' as he could with no success.

Garmadon raised his hand to the boy as if to offer assistance and like he was trying to coax a wild animal into trusting him. "Come now Kai, I only want to help you" Garmadon said, noticing the reluctantance within the young fire master.

"Well escuse me if I don't trust the dark Lord Garmadon" Kai replied snarkily to which Garmadon couldn't help but let a slither of guilt creep in but he pushed it down and focused on his student's need rather than his own issues.

Garmadon playfully rolled his eyes and attempted to lighten the mood with some small, silly remark. "You are escused, now come here" he smiled gently at the boy who hesitantly took his larger hand with a weak grip.

After a long 30 minutes of trying to convince the boy to touch the water Garmadon finnaly gave in, not wanting to make Kai more uncomfortable than he already was. The sensei simply told the boy to just sit down and relax and that he wouldn't try and get Kai to touch the water.

However he was sure to add something little kick to his words to convince Kai and also to allow his reaming troublesome nature.

"You don't have to Kai, just relax now okay?. Afterall its clear you can't muster up the courage to... How should I pit this?" He started before continuing his little taunt.
"Touch completely safe water"

Kai glared at the older man. He them jumped into the water much to his own regrets to prove him wrong.

Garmadon grinned at the drenched boy and offered his a hand
Kai, against better judgment pulled Garmadon into the water aswell making him splutter in surprise but grin in joy at the spiky-haired student.

They laughed softly and climbed out of the water and Kai stared at the small pool with a new found joy.

"Now I hope you can associate water with the time you defeated me and see it as an alliance rather than a threat" Garmadon said wisely and Kia turned to look at the man but could only laugh at his state.

"Oh yeah! You should see your hair, you little fire cracker!" Garmadon laughed in return and the two made their way back into the monestry.

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