Past And Present・From The Archives

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Lloyd looked at the younger version of his father in hidden awe, the man look so different and human. 'well duh! It's before the venom' but even as that thought crossed his mind, Lloyd realised he was here to "help him with it" as Master Wu had told him.

"Are ya okay there kid?" the gruff voice of the older male asked whilst offering the green ninja his hand. "yes thank you, I'm fine" Lloyd's voice responded calmly despite his excitement and anxiety about meeting his father's past.

"well it looked like ya might of slipped or maybe even fell, just be careful." Garmadon warned before walking away. "Wait!" Lloyd called out, he got up off the floor and closed the gap that had formed between the two males.

"sorry whats your name?" Garmadon growled almost reluctantly. He clearly didn't take any interest in Lloyd as much as Lloyd took in him. "Lloyd, I just want to thank you for checking on me. Random but nice." Our protagonist smiled kindly but Garmadon just raised a brow.

"look kid, I know that you only want to talk to me about the fight with that giant serpent. It alright to say, it its just boring at this point." Garmadon groaned outwardly.

"then let me switch it up a bit then, how did you feel afterwards? Before?" Lloyd tried to avoid seeming desperate or even too prying, he wasn't sure how he's past dad would receive him.

"proud, anxious. Happy kid?" the black haired man's walking quicken in pace and Lloyd desperately kept up. "what about your bite? Didn't you get bit-" Lloyd was cut off by Garmadon pushing him into a nearby wall.
"How did you know!?" Lloyd flinched as the man above him yelled angrily into his face.

"I'm sorry, it don't know how, I jus-" Lloyd opened his eyes to look at two eyes glaring at him, however they were now a fiery crimson and filled with seething rage. "y..your eyes.." Garmadon's anger had subsided and changed to confusion for a small minute and questioned the green ninja what he had ment. Lloyd scrambled for the mirror he had hidden in his pocket and showed the man exactly what he ment.

The fire and rage reflected within the terrifying shade of red, it was the only way to describe it: terrifying, angry and evil.
The dark haired man was in shock at what he saw and soon began to panic. "What... h-how did.." Garmadon placed a hand on his own face as he backed away from the boy into the wall behind him.

"I need to find Wu...he should be at the market. He's a blonde bloke with a small bit of facial hair, he-" Garmadon was half way through describing his younger sibling before Lloyd cut him off "I know what he looks like, met before. I'll go." Lloyd got to his feet and ran to the market.

He had searched verywhere before giving up, he saw Garmadon running into nearby forest and decided to chase after him.

As Lloyd entered the sea of green he noticed the sound of stifled sobs and shakey breaths, "Garmadon?" he called out only to receive no answer;
He followed the sobs and located the source within a short amount of time.

Garmadon had his head buried in his knees and only lifted himself up to stare him in the eyes with greif. "Show me" Lloyd demmaned calmly, he assumed something else had changed due to the way the man had his sleeves rolled down over his hands and covered the top of his head. He lifted his head up from the position and removed his sleeves from his hands.

The roots of his hair were now pitch white and his hands a charcoal black, small fangs could be spotted peeking over his lips shyly. "Oh my..." Lloyd wisphered to himself as more tears streamed down Garmadon's face. Suddenly Garmadon winced and mumbled to himself making Lloyd snap his head up from looking at his hands. The once watery tears that dripped from his eyes were now hot and made from fire.

Lloyd grabbed a cloth to try and stop the tears before they burnt the man in front of him, he was already upset it would only get worse if he burnt himself. "It burns... please don't l-leave" he made a chocked sob while Lloyd wrapped his arms around him, embracing him into a hug. "Fuck that's hot!" he cried out at the scorching tears. Lloyd snapped up from his position and continued to wipe the tears, the cloth was now falling to bits from the touch of the tears but he couldn't allow his father to get burnt.

"This h-hasn't happened before, I'm sorry" Garmadon was now trying to wipe the tears with his sleeve, "God this is dreadful!, what do we do..." he groaned while the tears slowly subsided. His face was now red and burnt from where his tears had glided down his face.

"hey, it's okay. You don't need to worry, I'm not leaving until this is better and controlled." Lloyd smiled determinedly making Garmadon reflect that smile. "Thanks kid, again I'm sorry. I've never dealt with this before, gald you came though." A single tear slid down his face again but this time he just let it fall to the floor and sizzle.

"God I'm a reck! Ah jeeze" he wiped his eyes a final time and got up, offering Lloyd a hand. The green ninja gladly accepted his help and grinned to himself. "you're a good kid, uhh what your name again?", Lloyd chuckled before replying "Lloyd, my names Lloyd".


"Well Lloyd, I hope you don't tell anyone about this or at least just pretend it was a fake scenario or somthin' and I honestly hope to see you again one day." Garmadon shook Lloyd's hand as he bid him farewell, Lloyd describing himself as a traveller who saw the battle first hand acted as a good cover up and was happy with how everything turned out. "Don't worry, I plan on something different." Lloyd smiled.
"what do you plan on?" Garmadon asked smiling.
"I'm going to talk to my father" he grinned and set himself up to go to Garmadon's volcanic lair leaving his teammates in surprise.

Lloyd had found a way to sneak into the volcanic lair and began to stealthily search for his father (or better) his father's room with his father in it. After a small while on searching, he heard a stifled sob from the final room that he was about to check in, conveniently.

He peeked inside the room to find it was a large master bedroom and inside was a crying oni, Garmadon. Now when he looked at his father he realised he could still see the man as when he was younger, same jawline same body structure (just slightly bigger) and same fiery tears.

"I told you do not disturb me whilst I'm-" Garmadon began to scream at the person he thought was one of his nerds only to falter when he saw his son. "Luh-Lloyd?" he gasped as he stood up, Lloyd ran across the room to his dad and pulled out a familiar looking cloth to wipe some of his tears.

"Do they still burn?" he asked softly whole removing the small fire from the cloth. "Kid...." Garmadon seemed to realise the truth. "that was you, Luh-Lloyd that was you!" Garmadon was clearly shocked by the discovery and more tears slipped down his face. "I just got back" Lloyd smiled.

"oh Luh-Lloyd, why do have to be so good to me" he said while embracing the boy in a hug. "thank you for being there dispite all I've done" Garmadon whispered into his sons ears whole clutching the blonde's head close to his chest.

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