Resurrected Results・s8 Sensei Garm Au

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Garmadon gasped as he pulled himself from the weird bowl that sat in the centre of the room, his body ached as he pushed himself to the floor. Garmadon tried to force his body to respond to his commands but recived no success, instead he received a pained groan as he collpaed against the ground.

As he lay on the filfthy floor he allowed his mind to retraced all his memories. Everything flooded back to him and upon some reserved strength, he forced himself to stand and stumble out of the temple like a drunk.

It only took a short amount of time before he could run again but was left limping from an unknown injury in his right foot. Although every step and every breath was agony, he felt a strange force propelling him forward until he could find his way to his family.

After hiding in the shadows for a short running distance he came to a problem, crossing the road. With his limp he'd be exposed for too long and definitely would collapse if he pushed himself any further. He thought about all the possibilities he could of congered up in a moments notice before safely concluded that he was just to 'wing it'

Without hesitation he dashed across the busy road, cars headed to swerve but didn't need to with the speed of the blur that was Garmadon. He ran into the police office and fell against the desk with a gasp. The woman at the reception was shocked and surprised but clueless on who he was, she only knew he was a wreck.

"Hello sir, are you okay? What happened?" She took to a worried tone as she led him to a seat occasionally looking out the door as if he was chased. The lady took note of the dark, mud-like patches that cover parts of his cloths and the scratches he bore in his skin with great concern.

It was only then that a man of a similar age recognised him to be Garmadon. Instantly the commissioner was called down and Garmadon was taken into an alternate room to fully discuss while also allowing him to recover.

"So, Garmadon... Back from the dead aye?" The commissioner asked with a slightly uncomfortable tone but Garmadon just panted with no attempt to answer the question. "Garmadon?" the commissioner asked again but with genuine sincerety.

Garmadon looked into the others eyes with exauhsion before struggling on his words "What.. happened?" His words were staggarded but not because of his laboured breathing which was now ceased, but rather looked to be because of the failed resserection.

"Okay, I'll do my very best" he said to the wrecked man in front of him.


Meanwhile at the local bar that Dareth owned, the Ninja were still celebrating their little victory while Lloyd had only truly started to join them with their happiness. Alas they were finally inturupted by Misako calling out for their attention.

"I've received a call from the commissioner, he says he has Garmadon!" all the Ninja were baffled but quick to start rushing to the police station.

The team arrived shortly with a panting intake of breath but did not falter to ask about Garmadon.
"My father, where is he!?" Lloyd was of course the first to speak even if his voice was stained. The commissioner huffed and led them all to the room to were Garmadon was sure to be.

The door opened to show Garmadon, he was human but his hair was black at the roots and his eyes were ochre and flecked with bright oranges and amber highlights that grew stronger as they went to the pupil. His Sensei attire was covered in patches of black mud, his skin covered in scars and scratches.

Garmadon stated at his son, full of emotion but seemed frozen in place by what could of been nerves or just his wounded ankle. However Lloyd ran towards him into a hug with his father wrapping his arms tightly around him. "Lloyd, my- son" Garmadon's words shock Lloyd slightly, his voice was deep and he struggled to speak with every syllable but he brushed it aside and buried his face into his dad's embrace.


They all headed back to the monestry so they could properly examine Garmadon for any drastic changes that may of occurred, a little request from Misako.

But that will be for my Garmadon au book. Garmadons of all sorts :)

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