broken bonds and bones • pt1

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A hight pitched ringing... a sound that grated against his ears like some rusted saw. His vision blurred like fog on a delicate mirror, only this mirror was shattered.

Shattered. A word meaning broken or used in phrases of exhaustion or fatigue; the perfect word for Garmadon, be it his bones or ego.

Bruised palms and scarred knuckled pushed against the dusted ground like it could help him stand just as he wished.. Clawed hands groped at the dirt as if it would respond to his pain, as if it would help him regain his strength or assist him and gather his bearings. The wind whipped at the bleeding lips and dark cheekbones that were dusted with an exhausted frost of the oni's face, his thick, magenta toned blood sulked down his face, displeased by its exposure to the cold.

His body trembled and his lungs burned with fire, choking on the lava pooling in his mouth that threatened to spill down his face in a display of failure. Every breath heaved his broken ribs that were gifted to him by Mogra, his shoulders and back seemingly broken and destroyed by his fall from the heavenly lit clouds above, the moon now faded into the night behind the blackness of the sky, just like the fleeting sense of hope it so represented all those years ago.

The ground around him had cracked and splintered like his bones, like his pride. Like Garmadon: both rendered in pieces at his undoing, crumbling under the weight of new found mortality... no one was coming to save him. Not one soul.

Well... that's what many would have believed when considering the lord of darkness' horrific past, and yet it was not the truth, for over the hill could be spied a familiar shade of green running to the site of Garmadon's defeat, running with such a pace of desperation they might have been been born from a fragment of hope still retained despite the rest fleeing.

Lloyd.. his son, his own saviour, ran towards the trench formed from the fall, ran to his fainting father as fast as his legs could carry him, even with the aching warning him of his fatigue.

Having arrived to Garmadon's side, Lloyd fell to his knees with a dramatic inhale of breath to soothe the burning in his lungs, knowing his father could not do the same to ease his own pain sent water into his eyes.

The green ninja grabbed Garmadon's hands as gently as he could with his own that shook and trembled like some scared puppy, hearing the oni groan as he held the battered claws of his father.
Wide, stunned green eyes met hazy, lidded red ones and the defeated lord forced his hand to move up, like he was trying touch Lloyd’s face with his rusted fingers.

"After all I've done.." Garmadon began, his voice hoarse with pain, "You still haven't given upon me, Lloyd.." he said slowly, filling Lloyd with desperation and he clung to Garmadon's outstretched limb that now threatened to fall back down to the dirt with the gravity of his damages.

"Yes-" his voice cracked with the tension in his throat. "Yes, I'm here- I'm here now, father.." Lloyd’s lip wobbled, his eyes turning crystalline with fresh forming tears, his tone snapping with fear and grief whist trying to remain as quiet and soothing as possible in his ever growing distress.

Lloyd juggled both of the oni's hands into one of his own, freeing the other to touch his father's cheek bones that were laced with dust and cuts, his skin horrifily pale in contrast to the rich pigment so usually painted on his face. But just as Lloyd’s hand made contact, Garmadon fell limp and heavy in his grave.

It took all of Lloyd’s self control to not yell out in worry or trepidation, instead the green ninja focused his mind and used his strength to heave his father up.. Unfortunately, no amount of his strength would hold his unconscious father, not in this state.

But he heaved at the oni's limp weight, dragging his father to the nearby forest for shelter, settling down near a stream in hopes it may be of use.. The young hybrid tried to create a space that was best regarding his father's broken condition, using as many things he could to provide the weakened lord with some semblance of comfort.

The green ninja had layed out his cloak and other such items beneath Garmadon, his eyes drinking up the ghastly sight of his wounds. Lloyd let his thumb glide across Garmadon's tear soaked cheeks, none of them being his own, but rather Lloyd’s grief fallen into another's face. His fingers traced against the unmoving, bruised face as he wiped the dripping blood from his father's lips and chin with a soft thumb.

It made his heart race faster than it had for a long time.. in fact, he was consumed by the same dread that filled him in Kryptarium prison, in that very moment he realised he had lost his father to the blackness about his reborn heart.. only this time, he was certain he wouldn't loose Garmadon again. Not whilst he was so close to saving him..

"It's okay, father.. I've got you." Lloyd barely choked out his words, carefully pressing his forehead against his father's. "I promise.." More tears streamed down his face and dripped onto Garmadon's greyed skin.

With a faint groan and a trembling lip, Garmadon briefly murmured beneath his wheezing breaths, uttering incoherent words riddled with exhaustion. Despite the desperate attempt at understanding what his father had just said, Lloyd was left riddled by what ever the oni had tried to say..

In the distance, the former son's of Garmadon, now known as the Red Crows, searched for threats or sny sign of Garmadon's survival, driving out on their motor bikes to hunt him down.

Ultra violet, and a few others, approached the crater of where a dead Garmadon should have been only to find he was gone.. "Lord Garmadon is still alive! The hunt is afoot!" She sneered and cackled, dust picking up behind her as she sped her bike towards the village, the others following behind with huffy laughs of their own.

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