Taking Care・s16 Garmadon And Lloyd

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Lloyd was desperately perusing the criminal that had just tried to attack him, it was a good way to relive himself of his new frustration with his father as well.

He chased the criminal up to a nearby building that was left with hole in the walls from previous attacks. Garmadon continued to try and call Lloyd off the chase like a dog but had no success or response from the boy.

As Lloyd closed in on the criminal in one of the buildings he was surprised by a shove to the torso knocking through of the broken walls outside.
Lloyd landed with a crack on his arm and a pain in his ribs. His head was bleeding slightly as well.

Garmadon ran to Lloyd with lightning speed and clutched the disoriented boy with his strong arms before using his form to fly them to a sfer place.

He took them to vinny now recked apartment end place Lloyd in the bedroom which remained intact, Lloyd was groaning at his injurys but could muster up the proper strength to do anything else. That ment he was completely reliant on Garmadon and that was scary.

The large oni took his time to bandage and cast Lloyd's arm with lowers arms while he was careful to inspect Lloyd headwound. It was bleeding but not to a fatal or dangerous amount, he would be fine once it stopped. He wrapped another peice of cloth around Lloyds head to seal the head wound and stop the blodd flow the best he could with such limited resourses but did a good enough job for him to be put at ease.

"There we go, that's much better" Garmadon smiled to himself, a tad proud of his efforts in regards to helping his son. However Lloyd sat in a feump at the treatment and didn't bother thanking the oni. "Whatever, I don't bee your pathetic help." He spat, Garmadon looked at him with raised brow.
"And here you say your nothing like me" He almost growled under his breath with the slightest note of hostility woven into his voice but he tried to conceal that once more. Lloyd however, did indeed notice and was offended by such a remark and his own voice threated to make his thoughts clear.

"Yeah? Well I'm not a monster like you" the green ninja's voice was raised to release some anger but Garmadon rolled his eyes and huffed. "Never said you were Lloyd. I'm just saying that your stubbon like me." any hint of amusement was wiped clean, not that it was very obvious to begin with but now he was plain old annoyed.

Lloyd scowled at the man and slammed his working fist down on the bed like a toddler having a tantrum. "We are nothing alike. You are a monster and I'm a hero" He hissed with tears forming in his eyes.
"You choose to believe that, do you? Well then I can just leave you here bleeding, alone and-" Garmadon had made a move to leave but instantly there was stopped by Lloyd grabbing his arm with his working one.

"Don't! I'm sorry" He whimper as tears ran down his face. Garmadon had seen this before, along time ago when Lloyd was still just 10 and had told him to leave whne he got caught doing something. It was a faint memory but a bad one to be sure.

"Fine, I'll stay if you stop insulting me" He growled but with a hint of a soft chuckle mixed in with his rumbling voice.
Lloyd had began to settle now, he ralxed while his father made sure he was comfortable to get some sleep.

After a while Lloyd did indeed fall asleep and left Garmadon alone, alone and angry.

A familiar prick ran down the street and couldn't help but scream when a shadow pushed him to the ground. The dark figure growled and hissed like a wild animal before lismfteding him by the collar and staring him in the eyes. "If you ever pull a stunt like that again I promise you that you will die a most gruesome death." He snarled in his face and dropped him to the floor.

He could of left but what leaving without a parting gift. He stepped on the other man's leg, the bone snapped and splintered beneath the oni's foot until he was left screaming. "That's much better" he smirked to himself and left the man alone.

Dark but it felt right. Could of tametined down the ending but I liked this one better :)

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