Teaching Of Balance • Alive Mystake Au

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Garmadon woke up, a dull aching crowding his mind as he took the time to let his eyes adjust to the sudden intrusion of light from the window that splashed down onto his face. It was clear he wasn't getting back to sleep anytime soon and so decided it was best to just go see what his odd, tea drinking old teacher was up to.

However, a kelidoscope of colours filled his eyes as Garmadon forced himself up, having to muster up more effort than usual. He felt wrong... very wrong.

. . .

Meanwhile our dear Mystake was busy drinking her daily consumption of her relaxing tea before she heard a shocked roar from her new companion's room, and yet she remained as composed as before only stopping momentarily, barely acknowledging her new student's distress.

But as the seconds grew longer and a faint crashing could be heard, she decided it was best to ensure no more objects were broken whether they were valuable or not; it ment less mess later.

Calmly, she put down her tea, picked up the tea pot, and slowly walked her way down to Garmadon's room; the sound of a vase shattering could now be heard.

Mystake paused at the door and very carefully opened it until she was sure he wasn't near it, ensuring she wouldn't be met face to one of his flailing limbs.

The room looked overturned: objects had been knocked around onto the floor with some being broken and there was quite a collection of claw marks imbedded into the wooden walls. All Mystake could do was frown in annoyance but even that was short lived as she broke out into a seemingly sly smile.

Garmadon was now more oni than before: his horns stood tall, his fangs jutting out over his lips, large dragon-like wings spread out behind him and a long dragon tail was now known to be the source of what had been breaking and knocking things over. "What have you done to me!?" Garmadons voice was deep and feral growl in his chest, even more so than usual which was saying something, still Mystake wasn't fased nor intimidated by his monstrous display, if anything she was proud of the progress they had made with his abilities.

However, Mystake knew how he must have been feeling, he was frightened and confused, but yet all she could do was chuckle at her work. The great Lord, who had not too long ago tried killing her, was now a heaving, near sobbing, mess.

He tried to console himself, staring at himself with such fearful curiosity, unable to admire his new form and all the power that came from it.

Warching as he stepped on his now longer tail and fell backwards again, Mystake poured herself some tea and drank quietly, the warmth soothing her and giving her clarity on what to do. (not that she was worried or confused, she was plenty calm).

Whilst trying to lift himself up, his horns got caught in hole he had created with his new body. Garmadon growled and ripped his horns from hole, looking back to Mystake he was unamused by how relaxed and unfazed she was at his distress. The expression that the other oni wore on her wisened face was that of clarity and patience but with an air of pride, it made him even more enraged.

He roared in frustration before it shifted into a high-pitched whine that embodied his true emotional distress, embarrassed by his sudden display if misery, he curled up into a ball.

Mystake stared at the wreck that was now panting on the floor, most would sneer at the pathetic display but she kept a kind smile as her expression while she bent down and sat next to the near crying man.

The once high and mighty Lord Garmadon was now that of a small child, miserable confused and without help. A miserable and shaking sob mixed with a whimper escaped him as he realised that the only person who had offered to help him was staring at him like he was a freaks how to observe over a fine drink with a teasing glint flickering behind her eyes.

She put her tea aside and pushed down all the previous emotion she held against Garmadon. Minimal as it had always been, she couldn't help but feel proud of his wrecked state, pleased at his dismay, but it was purely from mindset that this could help encourage his change to good.

Sitting beside the man on her knees, Mystake's wrinkled hand touched his shoulder softly, her skin was that of old, smooth parchment but the warmth was like a nice tea, perhaps it was because she drank it so often.

"Don't worry to much about the emotional distress, its just a hormonal surge as your body finishes adjusting to itself and its new state." She loved her hand up and stroked his head gently, letting her hands run against his rough skin.

"How much longer until it stops?" He grumbled beneath his heavy breaths, not once looking at the older old lady. "Not much longer, let your body adjust to itself." She said very softly, her voice kind and motherly.

Slowly moving away from him, as if wishing to avoid stirring him from sleep, Mystake poured a cup of tea for the younger oni before returning to her place besides him, steaming tea in hand.

" I always believe to tea to be rather soothing for stressful situations" Her hands held the tea close to his head. He lifted his head and gazed at the cup, his eyes were tried and grumpy but he gently took it from her.

He did not thank her, nor did he look at her, he merely tried drink the tea past his fangs with success, the liquid warming his throat and chest.

"Now, isn't that better?" She said, her wrinkled grin shining behind her eyes. Drawing in a breath and feeling the effects of the brew finnaly kicking in, he answered her query. "I suppose it is, I must admit"

A comfortable silence filled the atmosphere, aside from the quiet slurping of tea from the two.

"this is progress, Lord Garmadon." She confirmed aloud, making his brow raise. "Porgress?.. I won't disagree" He admitted, looking to the floor.

She grinned at his response. "with your emotions dying down to a more controlled state, how do you feel?"

He took time to consider his answer, wondering about how to approach. "More startled than anything. But I can feel a new strength in me." He responded, now gathering the courage to look her in her wrinkled eyes.

She put her hand to his shoulder again. "Very good, this is going to be much easier than I had previously anticipated." she began. "A quick leaner, for one so set in the ways of evil, or as I had thought. You seem rather eager to learn, yet so surprised when you encounter new power." she continued, drinking her tea.

"I am proud of your quick progression. Then again, I am rather pleased that you decided to learn all this in the first place."

More silence, a lot of contemplation and thought.

"What do you wish to gain from my teachings, what is it that you hope to achieve once this you have mastered all levels of yourself?" she planted more and more thoughts into his swimming mind.

He looked back to the floor, staring at the tail between his clawed feet." I just want to understand. I just wish to be more than an empty monster." He sighed, reaching an understanding with himself for possibly the first time in a while.

"and you will." She said.

"All you need is a teaching of balance.."

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