Plotting Revenge

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Lloyd couldn't tell how long he had been there for, his stupid hoodie was hanging from the store sign for hours now and the cold was staring to get to him. The winter breeze hit the boys face, sending a chill down his spine. At day the winter was tame but at night it felt dreadful.

Lloyd's face was bruised from where someone threw something at the boy's eye, it wasn't the only place things were thrown at him for his attempt at replicating his father's work in terrorising Jamaniki village.

He huffed sadly but raised his head to see a figure sulking within the shadows, glaring at Lloyd or maybe just watching with an unreadable emotion.
It took a while for Lloyd to notice the red eyes,then again he was really tired.

The large figure reached Lloyd and held him in their arms, then without further words or thoughts, the figure walked away into a forest with the young Lloyd cuddling into the warmth of them.

Lloyd awoke to the sound of a crackling fire sofly filling his ears, he opened his green eyes to see the warm light bouncing off the armoured chest of none other than his dear father with his strong arms wrapped tightly around his sons small frame, a warm blanket covering both of them. "Dad!?" Lloyd asked, his eyes wide in surprise and yet relief to see his father after a long time of distance from one another.

Garmadon grinned at his son, fangs peaking over the edge of his lips in a non-threatening manner, if anything it was a shy smile mixed with unexplained anxiety the he desperately tried to mask. "Hello my son" his deep couce vibrated in his chest in such a way Lloyd could feel it, its usual rasp was missing and it was much smoother and almost melodious in its tone but not so it was foreign to the father-son duo.

Garmadon placed a large clawed hand to his sons face and flinched as Lloyd winced, putting the Lord in a panic. "I'm sorry, did I hurt you? I tried to be gently I really did!" Garmadon panicked and almost made Lloyd nervous as well, never before had he seen his dad so vulnerable due to someone wincing but he was gald he was the one to see it, not someone else.

"No, I'm fine. Well..." Lloyd began, Garmadon's face changing icey while his eyes narrowed at his newer thoughts. "It was those stupid villagers wasn't it. I would have thought they would have learnt from my teaching last time to not lay a single finger on you" He growled as he spoke, his hold on Lloyds body growing tighter but loosing in once he noticed his sons discomfort.

"Sorry" he mumbled an apology. "No actually, those stupid Ninja did this, the villagers just cheered" Little Lloyd stared to the ground in shame, avoiding his father's eye sight and sahking when he heard a growl. Unbenounced to him, Garmadon grinned. A sharp, evil smile that displayed all rows of unfiled fangs ready to snap down on victim's bones without hesitation nor remorse. Lloyd's eyes lit up as he peaked a glance of this and shared his fathers evil attitude as the oni warlord lifted him up and proudly declared "We will make them pay my boy, first we shall clean up you bruises and then hurt all who hurt you".

Many villagers hid in their houses at the sound of Garmadon roaming around, laughing like a manic with more childlike laughter echoing from his son. Most accused of hurting Lloyd were exposed by the others on the sidelines in fear of the village being set alight by the Skelton army that followed in the duo's shadows like hyenas.

"What about the Ninja?" asked Lloyd and his father chuckled cruely "Don't worry my son, they will receive their gift" He said, Lloyd stared in awe as his fthard had lit up a gorgeous purple colour as he casted his Fist to the sky, his power dissipating while he stored proudly.

Lloyd raised a brow and Garmadon grinned "A present for them, down worry my boy. Nothing you would am want" once again his fangs pushed out over his lips in a cruel sneer, Lloyd couldn't help but state with stars in his eyes.

"Now we best be on out way, my boy" he held Lloyd close to his body again.
"For more revenge, those plots won't plot themselves my son" and Lloyd laughed.

(twist, it was a dream sequence, Lloyd was still on the sign cuz /j)
This is a joke! It is not true. Lloyd is a happy boy :)

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