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Onething I would like to clear up:
-The Garmadon comic series to Canon to me and so take place directly after March of the Oni
-after that all transpires he questions his choices and ability to do good and goes to Vinny as seen in s16.

Cool, now continue :)

-Tall, very tall boy. With his extra arms he is 7ft 5 but without them, he is just 7 foot. After all his is what I calss as a Ninjago Demigod :)

-His black skin is ridden with scars, especially on his back from all his falling in the past. One large one on his back from his fight with Mogra and its a lighter pigment then the rest of his skin. He can also be see with faint scaring around his knuckles.

-His red eyes do glow in the dark. That fun to wake up to in the middle of the night because your big demon romate is bored at 3 in the morning.

Overall habits
-Garmadon is a sleeper, he loves to sleep. He wakes up alot in the night but in the morning (if he's comfortable) you'll find him sleeping for hours after sunrise.

-He's messy, he finds that he can't help but make chaos with whatever he'll find himself doing. He's not necessarily clumsy but just messy.

-Confused easily, not by battle plans but just by life. Simple things like holidays or human thing in general really. He can't wrap his head round it.

-Garmadon doesn't snore the way anyone may think, he makes aloud hum that seems to be a mix of a purr and just husky breathing.its caught Vinny of gaurd when he first heard it tho.

-Dreaful when he's sick, really grumpy and tired and actually really sufferers from even a simple common cold. Maybe it's for attention, but if it is he certainly good at getting it.

-Loves affection, especially after he's feeling down. A pat in the head or a small stroking odlf his messy hair will make him feel so very happy. He's not so good at reciving hugs though.

More personal things
-Favourite colour? Doesn't have one. Says its pointless to favour colours over others and that he won't waste his time on deciding that.

-Food, again no particular favourite being that he doesn't eat much in the way of non meat. He does however enjoy a good chicken drumstick or a pizza :)

His stay with Vinny
- He stayed inside for most of it after realising that no one appreciated his efforts to be good. He did however sneak out at times when he got reallllyyy bored. Just onto the rooftops or around alleys but that it.

-slept on the couch, drank loads of coffee and ate a bit of pizza.

-Christofern was one of his biggest encouragements to keep trying even when he felt it wasn't going anywhere.

-at one point he fell into a slight depression, he just felt really shit most of the time and stopped caring for Christofern at one point but was quick to nurse his plant back to health from the lack of care it was receiving. That's also why it led to Christofern being a great encouragement.

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