Purring・From The Archives

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A book in my notepad on Mah phone so here, take the content please

Misako came up behind Garmadon and scratched his ear gently making him half lean into it, he had just began to hum quietly before realising what he was doing, shaking his head free of her soft fuss. Misako wasn't content with the small amount of affection she was able to give him and so she planned on how to give him more.

"so ninja, Drgaons and Oni were actually not too different in the past and had more..." the rest of words drifted from Garmadon's mind as he stared at the gorgeous woman in front of him, God he missed his wife.
"-Garmadon" he was snapped back into reality when he heard his name called. "Pardon?" he asked calmly dispite feeling alarmed from being put on the spot.

"come here for me" she chuckled, he made his way over to her. Misako patted a spot on the bed that she was sitting on with a smile and he too sat down. "now face me" she command in a polite and patient manner, Garmadon could now feel his anxiety rising; 'what's she going to do!? Nothing extreme don't worry, but we're facing her- so are the ninja. The ninja are watching!?' two sides of his brain argued as his heart rate sped up- he couldn't help but fear that they others could hear it as it beated loudly in his ears like a marching band. Then again maybe that's why the were chuckling.

His dead-face deminour was solid until she positioned his head to be facing her chest it was only then that he felt his face go warm and mentally begged that there was no visible blush. She soon began to scratch his ears gently with one hand while the other removed his helmet and stroked his white hair.

Garmadon trembled as he lent his head against the chest of his wife, her voice soothing him as she fussed him behind his ears and stroked his head gently. His face grew a bright red and his tail soon began to wag aggressively with deep purrs making his chest shake. 'what is she doing to me!?' he felt himself panic mentally 'I have to stop this'

He was about to command her to stop this foolishness but just as his words tried to leave his mouth in a formal and intimidating manner, his body betrayed him and forced it to come out as a trembling gasp mixed with a purring hum.

The ninja laughed at his embarrassed behaviour as he buried his head further against his wife's collar bone with his upper hands now clutching her back. "nghmm- st- hmmm~" he attempted to try again but only embarrassed himself further and the ninja's laughter grew stronger.

"Now now everyone, let's all quiet down. Listen" Misako brought the rumbling purr to attention while Garmadon felt his eyes slip close and his body relax- as if on cue all the Ninja turned around when they heard Wu come from the front door giving Garmadon a quick chance to readjust his position. His back was now facing the Ninja and his head lying on his wife's lap.

He ignored the warnings that his brain implanted into him about sleeping and just gave in. He was finnaly comfortable and happy.

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