Here We Go Again・s2 Oni G

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OK, this was a random scrap idea I had during a car journey so here have it written out the best I could. It's only short but yeah... Its gonna be bad and it's also realy fast paced

"OK team... We need plan to beat the overlord before he gets stronger. We've all seen how he can control electronics but I've had news from Zane that some humans have started to act strangely. This may or may not be a sign of slight possession through the electronics to connect to the brain in some way." Lloyd announced to the team of ninja.

However to no ones realisation the overlord was already on his next phase, a little inside help was all he needed, someone who knew the ninja well: Garmadon.

"has anyone got any plans?" the green ninja asked the group. "I may have one" Garmadon answered but he noticed something...his voice was deeper, echoing his warlord days with ease. It wasn't just him who noticed this change however, the entire team seemed to pause in acknowledgement and denoted the panic he wore on his face.

Garmadon could feel a fimiliar corruption suddenly control his body, his mind failing to defend himself from the rediscovered evil that had once again made it into him.

"brother..." Garmadon stammered as his legs collapsed beneath him, Wu ran over to the older sibling and cradled his body while Garmadon shook and trembled. He made small yells as his eyes changed to a glowing, blood red colour that showed fear and hatred.

"Its alright, I've got you." Wu wispered to his changing brother, he clasped onto his siblings arms to hold Garmadon down whilst he was changing back into an oni, the room was mostly silent but all had the same feeling of dread.
'hold on Garm' Misako's thoughts seemed to be that of everyones in that moment as her husband jerked about trying be rid of the force that was holding him down.

Garmadon screamed, his body changeing more and more into that of an oni's, his brother clutching his body. Hands became claws, teeth to fangs and skin to that of an oni mimicking the colour of the Overlord's heart.

As the transformation went on Garmadon could feel his mind bending into a more destructive manner, he snarled and screamed at the man who held him down "Get your worthless hands off me!",tears ran down his face; Wu knew he was loosing control and was loosing it fast.

"What do we do?" Jay whispered to Kai who stood with a solemn look attached to his face. He turned to look at their green freind, Lloyd was unsure on what to do...he was filled with an overwhelming sense of pain that tore through his heart like iron through ice. "Dad" the 15 year old felt a tear slide down his face before wipeing it away.

Lloyd made his way to his changing father with care and knelt down infront of him, he stared his green eyes into his dad's face. Garmadon opened his eyes to meet his son's, "Dad.. Please try to relax, uncle Wu and I believe you can power through the thoughts but we need you to try"
He looked longingly into the alien eyes of the man he knew all his life to be his dad.

"please brother, I love you, I know you can do this." Master Wu pleaded slightly, 'I love you'... those were the words that broke him, even more tears streaked down his face.

Suddenly the sooty colour of his skin changed back to his natural tone and his body morphed back into that of a human, all that didn't change back was his hands, feet and his ears (his horns and tail had also remained) but he looked how Lloyd would recognise: both sides of his father.

Garmadon panted and groaned making the team sigh slightly. "brother,are you okay?" Wu asked quietly.

This (hopefully) will be the last of the transformation trend in this book so yeah. If you have any requests I will make room to get round to them and thx again

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