A Tiring Day・Movie

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'God damn it' Garmadon had been trying to find a job for 2 days, but then again it would be hard because of what he did to ninjago; many times actually.

He rubbed the knot out of his back, as he got up from his chair to which he was sat all day on. After he turned off the lights he walked to the kitchen where Koko had called him to dinner.

Lloyd was eating in silence while Koko waited for the former overlord, she smiled patiently as he sat down and began to eat.

"any luck?" Koko asked while chopping up her pork.

"Sadly no.. But what did we expect to be honest. Someone hiring me? Doubt it." Garmadon said while digging into his steak.

"hang on, whys he got steak. You said we couldn't have steak tonight." Lloyd inturupted any other conversation from taking place.

"like I said Lloyd your father-..."

The rest of Lloyd and Koko's conversation faded into nothing but background noise as he dug into the meat before him. He couldn't help but focus on the things that had happened that day, how many people called him a monster. He knew they were right but sill, he tried and tried and tried but nothing would work.


The bed room had a soft beige (nearly yellow) glow from the light that stood in the corner of the room, next to where garmadon was lying in the king-sized bed.
Garmadon sighed as he climbed into bed with sound of brushing from the bathroom stopping

"what's wrong?" Garmadon jumped at the sound of his wife's voice as she walked into the room and sat down on the bed right next to him.

"nothing really, I'm just worried about not being able to get a job and help out a small things like that." he sighed, leaning his back against the bed frame while he rubbed his temples thinking about how whiney he must sound.

"don't worry hun, I know someone who might be able to get you a job but it's if you would enjoy it is what matters." Koko said gently; placing her hand on his arm, brushing her finger against his sooty skin.

"I hope you're right" he gave her a soft smile before turning around slightly to turn of the light leaving only his glowing red eyes visible in the now darkened room.

Garmadon could feel Koko lay down, cuddling into his chest that rose and fell in deep breaths. He wrapped an arm around her using one of his lower arms to pull the duvet closer to their chests.


The very next day, Lloyd was meeting up with his freinds and Koko was doing the same with hers meaning Garmadon was alone for most of the night.

The former dark Lord had just finished searching again but with no success, he walked out of his room and dwpn the hall pulling on his black leather boots and tieing his belt around his waist to make himself look presentable.

Garmadon walked down the street to hear people calling him from a nearby bar, they seemed friendly and he hadn't much to do so he went in.

"hey there, if it isn't the ex overlord Garmadon" one of them said. They had sandy brown hair with dark blue eyes wearing a black jacket and blue jeans. "do I know you?" Garmadon asked paitiently.

"no but you will!"

The night had flown by with Garmadon and these random bar owners and workers just having fun. It turns out he wandering into a popular bar and actually began helping them serve the drinks with much success with his four arms.

He actually enjoyed it, with the conversations done when making the drinks or in between getting the ordered. "say, how'd you like to be part of the Flipside bar's family hey? The pay is a good one that's for sure!"

Of course he said yes.

"hey Garm, how was your night?" Koko asked a very worn out Garmadon who lay aloofly on the sofa. "Garm?" she asked again only to realise he was sleeping.

'well, at least caleb ment what he said'

694 words, so it seems to be a long one

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