Christofern rewrite..

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With the the mysterious letter in hand and all the news paper clippings, Wu and a determined Lloyd cautiously made their way through the polite forest that shone with beautiful hues of dappled sun. A peaceful journey with a remorseful reason..

Upon emerging from the surrounding nature and into a clearing that reminded Wu of Steep Wisom, the land of which his brother had once owned; the old sensei and his nephew spyed the sight of an ivy covered cottage spueing with leaves up its walls and roof, vines hanging down like limp arms.

Wu sighed and headed towards the spruce door, Lloyd's eyes briefly noticing a wooden sign above the door reading: "Grimoden's Books, Scrolls and Teas." in scrawling, inked, handwritten words with a heavy stylistiasion in the 'G' and capitals as a whole. Wu compared the papers littered eith warnings to the sign with a satisfied nod.

And before Lloyd could acknowledge the burning pit formed in his chest, Wu walked to the door and knocked on it calmly.. it didn't take long for Lloyd’s anxiety to swell in his chest like a lump or knot, the bubbling worry in his stomach persisted as he listened to the sounds of heavy footsteps that approached the door.

The tension burned at his mind..

"Can't you see that we are clos-" a dreadfully familiar voice bellowed from the cottage. Then, the door swung open angrily and Lloyd’s heart dropped.
"O-oh.." Garmadon's expression had gone from frustrated to equally anxious..

"Father!?" Lloyd heard his voice crack, but he desperately looked past it in hops they all might to the same.. "Lloyd..." The oni seemed to reboot infront of their eyes, stuttering, tripping over his words, seemly about say something before shaking his head and welcoming them in with more neutral expression.

"Come in.. I suppose we may have something to discuss." Garmadon mumbled, highly disgruntled by he events of being found, his second arms folding behind his back as he made an effort to shut the door and check the sign.

As the entered, Lloyd's eyes darted across the area, examining the room and noticing all the books and scrolls scattered around the large space.
With little else to do to ease the stinging anxiety in his chest, he also took the time to acknowledge his father's new look: Garmadon wore a traditional mens Kimono shirt in a wahsed out blue paired with a darker, richer blue hakama tied neatly around his waist, his sleeved tied up to his shoulders to reveal his full arm length, his shirt itself stitched together from two different shirts of two different shades of a dull blue: doing a good job at providing the lord actual clothes despite his multiple arms.

It was messy with its stitches in dark thread that stood out, yet it was also charming to see his father in somthing other than a suit of armour that did little to protect the beast. Especially given how sophisticated he now looked in them.

Agh! What was he thinking- that didn't matter! This was his father: a monster, for crying our loud! The man who abandoned him-

Filled with nerves, anger, amd resentment, the green ninja looked to the floor to avoid making eye contact with the oni that turned around to look at them as he spoke to his younger brother, his eyes catching a glimpse at his father's long, fluffy tail stealing Lloyd’s attention while his sensei and father yapped in the background of his hearing.

Looking up and around, the room itself was gorgeous; neat wooded palettes decorated the floor and shone in the lantern light that lit up the comfortably dim room that was filled with wooden bookshelves containing books of history and scrolls from ancient times that explored the ideas of artifacts and mysteries withing tombs from the nearby and very distant lands - or so Lloyd could assume.

The old men seemed to happily chatter about Garmadon's new place of residence, forgetting the task at hand, of course, so Lloyd found it suiting to glance around as he rolled his eyes and prayed they move back onto the important subject..

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⏰ Last updated: May 26 ⏰

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