Sweet Shop Shenanigans・s2 Garmadon And Lloyd

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While the Ninja went to sort something out, Nya and Lloyd went out to Jamanikai village to browse the market for little trinkets that Nya kept talking to Lloyd about. Oh and to also take Lloyd to the sweet shop but that was a semi-reluctant decision made to stop Garmadon from slapping them.

Lloyd was dashing around like and idiot, he hadn't even had sweets yet but he was already hyper at the thought of the sugary sweets. Nya had done her best to keep the boy under control the best she could but nothing would console the young child to a calm or agreeable state.

"Lloyd!" Nya called out as he ran past her, almost making her drop her things onto the floor. The action nearly made her curse at the boy but a shiver down her spine had stopped her, she felt watched yet the only thing she could only was brush it off and ignore it.

Lloyd practically vibrating as they drew closer to the one and holy sweet shop, he could barely control his love for sweets and chocolate and it showed but if Nya was annoyed buly such behaviour, she no longer showed it. Lloyd was quick to run into the shop with a grin plastered across his face, some people flashing awkward or annoyed States and glares at his excitement and yet ignore every other kid that did they very same.
Yet another shiver ran down Nya's spine making her shudder.

Lloyd had collected a 'small' list of sweets he saw and desired and was ready to see which if them his current guardian would allow him to buy using her money. He smiled up at her whole she read the list. "Sure, get the first 2 okay" Lloyd smiled at her. The first four on his list were his favourites, well the ones he thought reminded him of Garmadon of which is why they became his favourites.

The first one was strawberry bonbons he could remember his father giving one to him when he was very little.
The second was candy bracelets, once again from his littler youth when his dad put one of his wirst.

Lloyd went to the counter with his selection and money to pay for the delicious treats. The boy forced himself to ignore the shifty glare from the cashier as he took the money and gemave the boy his sweets with a sneer.

Once all was done and payed for, Lloyd waltsted out the shop with happiness clouding his head. All was cut short when some prick came along and snatched it from the boy. It was the cashier again and he looked mad.

"Did you steal this money boy." he glared into Lloyd's eyes with furious intensity while he grabbed him by the shoulder. Lloyd was about to stammer a reply when suddenly the ground just in front of his feet turned dark. A swirling mist of purple flames made the cashier step back a few paces and Lloyd grin as he picked up his safely contained sweets form the floor.

The purple magic shifted into a shadow that resembled a certain terrifying man. Then it happened. The shadow changed into Lord Garmadon without giving anyone time to panic or react.

The man tried to run away but was grabbed by the oni and lifted off the ground by the collar of his shirt. Garmadon growled at the smaller man before throwing him down to the ground, his shadow looming over the human.

"You dare touch my son!" he roared making people run and hide while Lloyd snicker frim behind his father's legs, clutching one of them with his significantly smaller hands.

"If you think I'm not watching over him, you understand very little. If you believe I will allow people like yourself to even touch him.. " He spat while crouching to pick Lloyd up with his own strong hands before continuing his sentence. "Then you understand nothing at all"
His glare sent chills down peoples spines his words rattled their bone and his presence made people cowar and weep.

Nya stood in awe at the dark Lord, for once she was saw who he truly was. Not Wu's brother and certainly not the Dark Lord, but rather a protective father of a boy who needed love.

He continued to snarl at all who dared to stare at him and his son who was being held against his large chest as he made his way over to Nya. "We best get back now, I seem to have caused a ruckus" Garmadon grinned at his choice of words with Lloyd laughing softly.

"Yeah, let's go" Nya smiled at the happy duo and couldn't help but notice how Garmadon looked at his son with endearment; his tough and mean persona melting away at the boys cute and evil little chuckles. As if his red eyes were no longer angry and no longer fueled by hatred.

Lloyd popped a strawberry bonbon into his mouth and laughed as his father took one from him with a humourous manner. 'I hope this lasts' Nya thought to herself with a kind smile 'yeah, I hope so'

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