Mt. Ebott

522 19 1

(Y/n's POV)

"Alright, we're here!" Mr. Cole pulled over, at a mountain. It was tall and has beautiful curves.

"Mt. Ebott..." I mumbled to myself. The words brought me memories of my own...

"Hey, Ms. (Y/n), are you okay?" Ms. Thompson asked me, looking at me straight.

"I-i'm fine! I just, remembered something..." I said, shaking the thought away.

"Oh, you mean the news about 6 children disappearing by this location? We could go back if you're not okay with this pla-"

"NO, no! It's fine!!" I cut her off, "The thought of it scared me, but, I-I'm sure that it's a safe place. Well, u-um... I think the view up here is amazing, don't you think?" I continue. We both sat by the rock to watch the horizon.

"Once... my stepmother said that monsters are dangerous, and she harshly rants all about it. But, as for my dad, he thinks monsters are actually kindhearted, and maybe someone could outsmart him in a pun battle!" I laughed, Ms. Thompson did too.

"You know, your father might be right, so... what if, monsters are actually good people? Like, it's not like they started a war, right?" Ms. Thompson said. I got surprised at the thought of her being defensive for monsters. But, I kinda feel that way, too...

"We did. Humans started the war, because... of their fear of something...?" I said, putting me in deep thought.

We saw the horizon, the sun sinking. It's bed-o-clock. (Get it? ... probably not)

Our tents are already set up, each of them are by pairs: Ms. Williams with Ms. Yamato, Mr. Cole with Mr. Rickert. Ms. Thompson was about to sleep in with me but I decided to sleep alone, so she went to Ms. Williams' tent.


All of them are finally asleep, wait... what time is it now? I took a peek at my watch, ugh... 8:34 at night...

I let out a soft groan of annoyance, because of that thought again...

'Is it true? Was it worth figuring out about the history told? Are they really good persons? What makes us act so harsh towards them?'

My thoughts are interrupted by a small twig snap. Shocked, I readied my little pen from my hoodie pocket for defense. Then slowly, I get up from my bed and catch glimpse at the tent entrance.

I zipped my (f/c) hoodie, and brought my bag. Took my first aid kit just in case.

I saw a child, female, her short and brown hair by her shoulders, with blue-pink striped clothing. She was carrying a stick for some reason. Her face was in a blank expression.

I never thought a child could venture on their own, and even in a mountain?! I didn't remember this child in my class, or in any other classes the teachers guided. There she goes, running to the mountain, I follow after her...


A long, silence echoes across the room where I and the girl was... There she stood, completely still, now looking down, with her little closed eyes.

I got mortified when I saw the terrible horror, the girl jumped, as in jumped!

I ran as fast as I could, in hopes of catching the falling girl. I slipped on a vine and ended up on the same fate.

I screamed hard and loud, as I felt myself falling into the deep cavern. I couldn't measure how far and how deep it is, but, still screaming for dear life, in hopes for everyone to hear me. But... to no avail...

No one came...

Presuming no one to hear me scream, I prepared myself for death, as I curled into a ball.


~ Chapter End ~

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