🎇 New Year's Special Chapter!! ⭐

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(Y/n's POV)

I watched as the sun slowly start to sink into the horizon. It's almost time for the Fireworks display! We'll have to go in a particular place where we will have to watch the fireworks.

"Honey, will you help me with something here?" A voice spoke before me. It's Dad!

"Yup! What do you need, Dad?" I asked

"I can't seem to reach one of the lights in this doorframe. You'll have to climb the ladder for me to place the lights back in place." He said

"I'll be there, Dad!" I replied, and ran to help him.


After the light fixing, there was a knock on the door. I looked into the peephole and saw many familiar faces.

"knock knock." He spoke

"Who's there?" I replied


"You who?"

"you were cheering for New Year's, aren't you?" And both me and Dad laughed at his joke.

"Alright, sonny. Save your jokes for later." Dad snickered and cleared his throat, "Come on in!"

And there appeared in the door was Sans, Toriel, Papyrus, Undyne, Alphys, Asgore, Chara, MK, and my sister Frisk. They were all dressed up and are ready to go.

"Why... Howdy, old friend!" Asgore said happily

"It's still you, Gorey!" Dad said as they both embraced

"Hee hee! It is nice to meet you once again, Alexis!" Toriel said with a smile

"Certainly, Tori!" He replied as they both hugged.

"Sissy, I thought you were getting ready now?" Frisk asked

"No, I was just helping Dad out with the decorations in the house. It's not yet done." I said, rubbing my head

"It's fine, honey. And... Frisky, why don't you do the honors of touring everyone in the house?" Dad said, and Frisk nodded.

" Guys, I want you to meet first... Alexis Perseverance Rockwood! Our dad." Frisk introduced him to the monsters. Dad waved awkwardly.

" Nice to meet ya', Mr. Rockwood!" Undyne greeted while offering to shake her hand, he accepted the kind gesture.

"W-we're glad that you invited us into the New Y-Year's Day celebration, despite us perhaps..." Alphys said, while Dad nodded as if he understood what it all meant.

"GOOD EVENING, MR. ALEXIS! WHAT GREAT PLEASURE YOU HAD DONE TO INVITE US TO THE NEW YEAR'S FIREWORKS DISPLAY!" Papyrus introduced, while Dad laughs at his formality and goofiness.

"No need for formalities, Papy. You can call me Alexis or Lexis." He said with a smile.

"And you must be his brother, son." He said, looking at Sans.

"yes, yes i am pops." He said with his lazy smile.

"WHY YES, LEXIS! THIS IS MY BROTHER, SANS!" Papyrus introduced.

Ms. Teach (Sans x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now