Helping Me Remember

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(Y/n's POV)


I was taken aback when the shorter skeleton tapped my shoulder. I quickly turned around at looked at him.

"C'mon kid, let's go visit Alphys again!" He said, and I was standing there confused at the name he said.

"Hey... uh, who is Alphys?" I asked, really curious.

"she's that yellow, dinosaur-like gal in the lab. we'll get another check up just for you." He said

I'm really confused at what he said, but... he said that I needed a check-up? Am I sick?

Well... Then I realized that I needed to remember because I have a memory loss.

"oh... hey. can you remember how to teleport?" He suddenly asked

"Uh, what do you mean? I do teleporting?" I asked, while he just sighs

"never mind... here, take my hand." He said, stretching out his bony palm. I hesitated at first, but I still got the courage. We were gone in a flash.

~At The Lab...~

I closed my eyes as the flash started but, I didn't feel weak or dizzy at all. Had we done this before? This feeling just seem oddly familiar...

"come on now, let's go." He said as he entered the lab. I attempted to touch the doors but, it quickly opened automatically.

I entered and there was a girl with blue-pink striped clothing, a fish-like lady, and the dinosaur-like lady named "Alphys."

The girl was waving at both the skeleton and I. Do I know her before?

"Heya, punk! What's up with going to Alphys' lab today?" She said with a wide grin. I gulped anxiously and hid behind the shorter skeleton.

"Uh... Sans? What's going on with (Y/n)?" She asked in a confused tone.

"W-who... are you?" I asked, while she looked at me with a strange look.

"she... has an amnesia." the shorter skeleton, named 'Sans' replied

"Wait, what do you mean by an Amnesia? Is it serious?" She asked

"U-um, Undyne... she d-doesn't remember any of us. W-well, that technically means that... s-she lost her memories." The dinosaur lady said, her name was... Alphys?

That fish lady, named 'Undyne,' stood there in silence. She then looked at me with an unexplainable feeling. I slowly started to step back from her, with a wave of terrified emotion on my face.

"Hey, (Y/n). It's okay, I won't hit you! Not a single bit!" She said, her hand raised. She was also smiling.

"What do you mean?" I asked, "You've hurt me before?"

"Well, yes. But, it's all in the past now. We're your friends!" She said

"I-I do hope you s-still have some g-good left for u-us..." 'Alphys' said, twiddling with her fingers.

I then felt a tug from my legs, and looked down. The girl was hugging me, and she was crying...?

"Sister...!" She spoke in between sobs.

"H-hey, don't cry!" I said, trying to calm her down, but it only made her cry even more.

"Why d-don't you know us anymore?! Are you giving up? Keep trying, sis! Don't give up!!" Her voice was heightened to a shout.

Suddenly, I saw a flash of memories once again. The woman's face seems to be a bit clearer now, with fewer boxes. And that woman...


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