What Echoes Near the Waterfalls?

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(Frisk's POV)

"(Y/n)! Don't go any further!" I warned her, but she kept on running.

"*huff, puff* (Y/n)...!" I screamed the last I could go, and I gave out, because of all the running and the shifting of the weather.

I tried to warn (Y/n) about someone sneak-attacking her. I tried to remember her name...

(Y/n's POV)

I ran away from Frisk, and from Sans and Papyrus' house. Frisk is probably looking for me, so I ran still.

Until I'm out of breath, I sat by the rock thinking about what I've done.

"...what have I done?" I uttered, crying it off.

"...What have I done?!" I screamed.

I should've run away! What if I got lost, they're gonna get worried about me!

Well... there's something wrong about me... right?

I decided to take a stroll down here, with dark blue walls, with glittering stones. There are some glowing flowers. I sat by the cliff, in deep thought.

"Turn your face... towards the sun... Let the shadows, fall behind you. Don't look back... just carry on... And the shadows, will never find you..." I sang, and as I was about to sing my next line, the glowing flowers started to sing too

'Turn your face... towards the sun... Let the shadows, fall behind you. Don't look back... just carry on... And the shadows, will never find you'  The flowers sang. It was like an echo, repeating it over and over...

"Huh? Guess these are called... 'Echo' Flowers, right?" I said to myself.

"yep, you know all about it..." A deep, smooth, male voice rang out. I flinched for a moment, but then I realized who it was...

"Sans! I-it's you!" I said. He chuckled and replied

"yup, didja miss me?" I made a 'seriously?' expression, and he laughed. We both sat down the cliff.

"Hey, Sans...?" I called his name

"hmm? what is it, doll?" I blushed at his nickname

"Doll?" I uttered and he blushed

"um, whoops! hehe, sorry." I shook my head, "It's fine."

"I just, wanted to ask..." I said, he looked at me

"i'm all ears... even if i don't have em" We both laugh at his joke

"Okay, so..." I said, but too hesitant to continue

"hey, doll, what is it?" He asked

"Do you... have a stalker?" I said

"Um- by means of, um, someone who's constantly watching you? Like, perhaps, someone has an obsession with you?" I said

"..." he muttered not a word, I gasped and about to apologize

"Did... I say something wrong? I'm sorry." I apologized

"i have one too..." He said

"her name's... beatrix. she's, from the undernet too. she's keeping me awake by sending dm's" he said

"Oh dear, just... right now?" I replied

"yeah, but hey, how about yours?" he said

"Well, um, a masked guy named Tristan, I once saw him in a dream. He, was my stalker since, college..." I narrated

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