Sparking Hope

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(Y/n's POV)

"teach? teach, come on! this isn't a joke anymore, come back!" I heard Sans' voice from Waterfalls.

"Baby Blue!" I tried calling him, and he immediately looks in my direction.

"ah, teach! you had me worried. where have you been?" He asked, holding me by the shoulders.

"Well, I..." I hesitated to talk. Should I tell him?

"I'm sorry to scare you... But, I just... IwentoutsideSnowdintotraveluptothecore,wenttothelastcorriodortomeetkingasgore,asweweresupposedtofight,Istoppedhimbeforehecouldchangehismindandwentoutfortea... *Inhale*" I talked rather fast, and panted my breath. I dusted off my winter coat and sighed.

"The truth is that... I just wanted to talk with him, but... all I know is that he's been... sad for a moment. I now knew what was behind him, and he wasn't a relentless killer like what others had said before, he was kind and caring. He doesn't want to fight." I tried to explain

"I now understand... he wanted to try again. To change for the better. Please, don't be angry because of it. I'm just trying to help him." I said

"If it weren't for me, then it would be too late to make a move for him. He would continue to live in despair and even attempt to kill me or my sister to break the barrier with our souls." I sighed, and I looked at him.

"You wouldn't want that, right...?" I asked, and he arched his eyebrows in sadness and felt pity.

"oh... teach... it's okay. i'm not mad at you..." He said, hugging me.

"i'm just so worried for you." He sighed

"and what you said... it's fine. you did the right thing." He pulled away and smiled.

"thanks for doing this for me, teach." He said

"No problem, I'm always here to help everyone." I said, beaming brightly.

"But, trust me. I'll be okay now, don't worry too much or you'll get sick. Physically and emotionally." I said, laughing. He rubbed the back of his skull.

"yeah, sorry... i guess i can't help it." He chuckled.

We decided to head back home. Sans held my hand and rubbed the back of my palm with his thumb. It felt soothing, for a skeleton. We walked back to Sans and Papyrus's House to take a bit of a breather.

~ ... ~

We lay by the couch, in front of the TV. We were currently watching an episode of Mettaton's Cooking Show. Nevertheless, Sans was bored of watching a third of this how and ended up sleeping. I can't help of laugh at his doings.

"Oh Sans..." I mumbled, lightly tracing his skull with my finger.

I thought the show would be a bit different and it instead showed a replay of our appearances in the Undertale Musical. I blushed as soon as I saw Sans doing the waltz with me. I felt more warmer as I saw him dipping me, my (h/c) hair accidentally flowed in his attempt. He was smiling back then. He never felt more happier to dance with me. Even if it was only a play, I could see that he truly enjoyed our time there.

Speaking of... I was with Sans most of the time, but he's not really with me that much. I understand that. He has a very busy day as a Sentry in Snowdin. I wouldn't think much of it, he's completely honest with me. He knows whenever I would need to go for a walk alone, or go to a store to buy some food and Cinnamon Bunnies. He also knows whether I will need more time alone or asking to make music all by myself.

But, since the time that Flowey came to kidnap me, taking it too far as to removing my outer clothes to hiding me in a little draft of cave that leads me to a hidden area in Waterfall, he started to feel more nervous. Like right now, he would try to look for me like I was playing hide and go seek, but on the serious note, the frightened look on his face tells me more. He was panic-stricken for me and my safety from Flowey. Even with King Asgore.

I sighed as I looked at him once again. Eyes fully closed, his mouth relaxed and naturally curved. He's still asleep...

I felt bad for him. This isn't just laziness, but his eyebags was surprisingly large. How long did he sleep last night? Or that other night, or out of all those nights when have he slept the longest? He's always tired, nervous, and scared. Dear, I wish I'd do anything for him...

"Sorry for this... I might've made you worry way too much." I spoke in a whisper.

"But, it's okay. I just needed time to think for a way... To break the barrier and set us all free." I continued

"Don't lose hope, Baby Blue. I know you have a glimmer of hope in you. Don't give up." I said, smiling to his asleep figure. I giggled and went along to sleep with him.

(Sans' POV)

I heard her voice...

She's... encouraging me?

I faked my sleep and just only closed my eyes to listen to her. Yeah, I honestly got bored of watching Mettaton's numerous TV show's, but... I can't help but stop to listen as she speak.

She's just so mesmerizing. I can't stop thinking about her...

But, the fact that she said that she made me worry...? No, that wasn't what I thought.

She wasn't the reason of my worry for her. I just don't like her to be out there alone, without my or any of my friend's assistance. She might get hurt out there.

Heck, I even remembered that fight with Flowey. Everything I've worked for, everything I've fought for, I nearly lost her. I never recovered quickly from her being missing.

She was right...

I needed hope.

I wasn't paying attention to what I'm feeling now. Now that she'd said it...

She has the burning hope in her. Her was shining, seemingly turning into a large fire. She was waiting for me to get mine too.

My spark has been burnt out for many years now.

She has that hope to think for a way to free us all.

And when she has that hope... she's telling me that I should have it too.

Thank you so much, Teach... For everything.

~ Chapter End ~

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