Desperately Searching

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(Sans' POV)

Day 2... 1st Week...

The monsters hasn't found a trace of (Y/n) yet, let alone some monsters who tried sniffing her scent (well, I meant her human scent... not anything weird-), looking for footprints... It does nothing. Not a single step or mark was in sight.

You may ask, how my back was doing? Well, I did kind of got into a bit of physical pain back there. She just... pushed me from her shield, and I may or may not probably teleported in time. 

I'm still in the Ruins, with Papyrus taking care of me. I'm still wondering about what just happened yesterday... or the day before yesterday. Ugh, memory fails me, that stupid tree!

"Brother, can you lift your shirt for a moment? I need to check whether your scratches on the back are healed...?" Papyrus suddenly asked, while I looked at him and nodded.

"Hmm, it's partially healed, but don't move too much. It might take time, brother..." He said. I nodded and went back to sleep.

Day 3... Week 1...

Same as yesterday... No tracks, no traces of Flowey or (Y/n). Papyrus asked about my progress in the body, I still felt pain in the back, but it's going well. We waited...

Day 4... Week 1...

Still the usual... No traces found... We waited still...

Day 5...

Day 6... Day 7... Day 8... 

until it's Week 2...


I'm so tired at waiting...

"IT'S GETTING BETTER NOW, BROTHER! YOU BACK WAS FULLY HEALED!" Papyrus said happily. I didn't feel the same as him

"B-brother...? What's wrong?" He asked.

"i miss her... so much." I mumbled, while he looked at me straight.

"Brother, don't be sad... We don't really know where she have gone... yet." He said, and it only made me tear up.

"Sans, brother, don't cry!" He said, patting my back.

"NYEH!?" He gasped as he felt my arms wrap around him.

"i'm sorry, bro..." I said

"B-brother? Why are you crying?" I heard him speak.

"it's all my fault that i-i lost her... i didn't even t-think carefully about teleporting with her. b-but, she pushed me aside a-and... sh-she's now g-gone...!" I sobbed

"Brother... don't think of it that way!" He said firmly

"It's that tiny flower's fault! I knew... I should've trusted him before, and... I knew that he was planning something! I'm also at fault, Sans!" He turn to me and smiled. Tears also fell in his eyesockets.

"But, you were better than this, brother! I believe that someone will find her... Don't be sad now. Let's just wait for their report and hope for the best, brother!" He said, still smiling.

I didn't believe it at first, but what Papyrus said might be right. I just have to keep waiting...

"SANS, PAPYRUS! OPEN THE DOOR! WE FOUND SOMETHING!!" Someone shouted from outside, knocking loudly.

"I'LL GET IT!" Papyrus replied, opening the door to reveal Undyne, Alphys and Toriel's group.

"WHAT DID YOU FIND, UNDYNE?" Papyrus asked

Ms. Teach (Sans x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now