Don't Worry, I'm Here...

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(Sans' POV)

"(y/n), watch out!" I shouted, as Bea's scythe was thrown directly at (Y/n), and to my surprise, she timed her shield as the weapon's about to hit her. She's left unscathed

"What?! Impossible!! A human can't do that!" Beatrix shouted with shock. Her scythe returned to her, and another danger lurks once again. There shot out vines that ensnare (Y/n)

"(y/n)!!" I yelled, as I teleported in time to evade the vines about to reach my legs. I hid behind a tree. There she was, ensnared by vines and the fangirl about to attack her. 

"Hey! You stole the woman, she need to die! She's stealing my boyfriend away from me!" Beatrix growled at the flower, who I soon know, Flowey. I cringed at the fact that she called me her boyfriend.

"You idiot! She has a powerful soul inside her, so I need her soul to be a god. She's MY target!" Flowey shouted back. And soon the two started arguing over (Y/n)

I need to think of something, but I can't hurt the both of them, at least I have to weaken their attacks. I panicked as the vines on (Y/n)'s legs was gripping a bit tighter.

"Enough of this! I'm taking her soul!" Flowey said, and as he's about to stab (Y/n) with a vine, I was about to raise a wall of bones to protect her from the blow.

I heard a scream. Not like any other scream, but a sharp, hard, and loud scream. It's (Y/n)! The two were caught off guard and fell back. (Y/n)'s eyes were glowing of indigo, rather than her original (e/c).

She stopped her screaming and kneeled to the ground. Her wounds on her legs were healed in an instant, surrounding her with an aura of indigo.

"wait, is she?" I mumbled. I looked closely, her soul was an upside-down heart with a color of blue and purple. So she was a hybrid and a two-traited soul??

She looked at me, with the same indigo eyes. And she smiled at me, and I'm not sure why.

She blinked and her powers was stopped. Her eyes returned to her (e/c) color, and she fell. Before she could hit the snow, I caught her in time. Both Flowey and Beatrix were unconscious, so we have to hide quick. I then held (Y/n)'s hand, it was warm to the touch.

"H-huh? S-sans, are you alright?" (Y/n) asked, her body a tad bit limp.

"yep, i'm fine. now c'mon, let's get out of here." I tightly gripped her hand and teleported far from them to see us. We both hid in a tree, about 20 meters from the flower and fangirl.

"Urgh... what happened- huh, where's (Y/n)?!" Flowey woke.

"What? You lost her?!" Beatrix followed next.

"I told you NOT to go in my way! I WANT her SOUL!" Flowey spat at the girl

"Huh?! You're the one standing in MY way! Sansy is mine, and my job is to END her!" Beatrix said

"Blah, blah, blah! That smiley trashbag is not your type, you idiot! Why do even like him?!" 

"Gasp, why you little brat!" She growled in anger as she was about to hit the flower with her scythe, but the flower disappeared in the ground, not coming back.

She stomped her foot and angrily walks away, the townsfolk were quietly avoiding her or looking away from her. We both sigh in relief. Neither of us was hurt, well... earlier (Y/n) was... nevermind. I didn't want to worry too much.

"U-um, Sans?" (Y/n) mumbled, a bit nervous

"yeah, what is it teach-"

We realized that both of us were really close to each other. (Y/n) was hugging me, with keeping watch on the girl. My cheekbones started turning blue like heck.

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