Just A Tiny Bit Closer...

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(Frisk's POV)

It was so obvious that Sans was falling for (Y/n)! The thing I said to Sans about 'throwing snowballs in his face' was just a joke, but, somehow I wanted to do it out of fun.

I just needed to get them closer together, and... with the help of friends of course. It might be hard to accomplish because (Y/n) doesn't show her true feelings because she wasn't "ready."

I took out my notebook and wrote a to-do list:

1. Meet Alphys and Mettaton together and be friends

2. Let Undyne and Alphys meet and go on a date earlier than the last timeline

3. Start the plan (need help from friends, well... most likely Mettaton -_-')

4. Surprise/Blind Date! (Needs help too)

5. Yay! A new ship has sailed!! 8 >w<8

6. Then... I guess we have to finish our journey and find a way to break the barrier...

Bingo! I finished my to-do list! Now, time for action, which will be done, by... tomorrow.

"Frisky! Are you there? Lunch is ready" (Y/n) knocked on the door, and I quickly hid my notes in my bag.

"Coming!" I answered. "Ok! Come down when you're ready, alright?" I replied an 'OK'


"Oh? Where did the three go?" I asked (Y/n). She was busy making the table.

"Oh, those three? They... uh, were doing an exercise!" She laughed nervously. I looked outside and there were bones and spears all around the front yard. Poor (Y/n)...

"B-but, don't worry! They've already eaten, so, guess this leaves us in the room for now." She continued, and I nodded as a 'yes'

"Alrighty! Let's dig in." She readied a plate of eggs, ham, and some bite-sized cinnamon bunnies.

"Cinnamon Bunnies are for dessert, so, it should be eaten last." (Y/n) said.

"Ok. So, sis?"

"Hmm? What is it Frisk?"

"How did you know... my name for the first time we've met?" I asked her

"Oh? Well, I recognized your voice, and then, it reminded me of you. You're... my sister." (Y/n) replied

"But, how did you find out?" I asked her, even more curious

"...I was, on that scene. Our stepmother took you to your other family when you're still a baby. We can't do anything, because, she might..." She took a shivery sigh

"I-i'm sorry... I just can't bear the thought of losing you." Losing me? What does she mean by that?

"What... do you... mean?" I asked slowly

"You... might end up in an abusive family, the ones she knows, or her friends... so, we just let you go." I felt sorry for her.

"That wasn't your fault. I love you as a big sister." I said, and she laughed

I planning on going to Hotlands with (Y/n), because she needs to explore for a bit, and eventually... Mettaton with crash into us again, leading into more problems

So, as long as we befriend all the monsters, and it'll be fine. And, I need them for their help too. And hey, let's not forget Chara. She's my ghost friend, and she sometimes motivated me.

*The planning with your friends fills you with... DETERMINATION

"Thanks for motivating me, Chara." I whispered, so (Y/n) couldn't hear

"Nah, don't thank me." Chara said, and I scoffed

"Geez, fine! *ahem* You're welcome." Chara smiled and gave me a thumbs up. I silently smiled back at her, she giggled and left from my presence.

~ Chapter End ~

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