Sleepover Fun!!

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(Y/n's POV)

Tonight, at 7:00, we all took turns in using the bathroom. Inside was a large bathtub, perfect for a group of 4 or 5.

"Hey! The bathtub should be perfect for the five of us, right." Undyne said.

"NO!" Me and Sans shouted while we hid our faces from blushing. Undyne just shrugs. "Alright, suit yourselves"

 First was Frisk, then me, Undyne, then Papyrus, and Sans the last.

I wore my (f/c) oversized hoodie with little (any design or pattern) on it, underneath was a white/black tube and some shorts. (It's up to you on what to wear. I don't have much fashion sense- ;-;)

I patiently waited for the three to finish taking a bath. Frisk was wearing some of my old pajamas, so it should fit.

"Heya, punks!" Undyne said, wearing her PJs while walking out. Frisk and I just waved.

"How about a movie night?" Frisk suggested. Undyne and I agreed

"Wait 'til the brothers are done." I said, and they sat down and nodded as affirmative.

~ Few minutes later... ~

"Hmm, wonder what's taking them so long?" I mumbled

"what do you mean, doll? i'm right here." Sans spoke, he wore his plain t-shirt with a logo that says 'NASA,' and some navy blue shorts. Surprise by his presence and I fell on the carpet. All of us laughed, until I felt a tingling sensation.

"Wha- Sans?" I uttered

"don't worry, just don't move for a bit." Sans used his magic on me, the soul glowing blue like his magic, and he dropped me on the couch.

"Oof! There... thanks!" I said, and he smiled.

"SO...? WHAT MOVIE SHALL WE WATCH?" Papyrus asked, wearing his orange pajama set with a print on his shirt that says 'COOL DUDE!'

"Oh... how about the 'Anime' thingy?" I suggested, Undyne's eyes lit up

"Heck yeah!" she shouted.

~ Timeskip brought to you by... *Weathering With You OP plays* ~

Me, Frisk, and Undyne all cried to the ending scene. I soon saw Sans quietly watching the movie. He seems to be enjoying it a bit. But... not to mention that slightly sad look on his face... what is this?

It was already 8pm. We planned to sleep at 11 so, 3 hours it is.

"I'm bored... what should we do now...?" Frisk asked.

"How about Truth or Dare?" Undyne said, and Frisk stood back up. Uh? I think that's a bit cliché?

"Nope! Not gonna do it." I said, and crossed my arms

"yeah, have to agree with doll here." Sans said

"Oh come on! I hear only two wimps complaining, let's start!" There we started...

"Ok, to be fair, let's spin the bottle." I took a glass bottle and it spun, it landed on Undyne and me. Great, this game is rigged

"Alright! (Y/n), truth or dare." Undyne asked me

"I'll pick truth." I said

"Ok, let me think...?" She thought for a moment and asked me.

"How come you have your powers?" Now, that is a question I don't have an answer to.

"Wait, my powers? Well, I kind of got them by coincidence or... since born?" I answered unsure

"Sorry, I don't really know." I admitted

"It's fine. You'll find out someday." Undyne reassured and nodded as she understood

For the rest of the game... all of them chose dare, so Papyrus was to say puns for the next few minutes or until the game is over (lots of incoherent screaming-), Undyne to prank call her crush, and Frisk was asked to eat Papyrus' spaghetti (only a half so she won't get too sick).

"Here we go, the last one!" Frisk spun the bottle. It landed on Sans and Undyne

"Alright! Sans, truth or dare?" He smirked and chuckled

"dare." He answered. Really Sans?

Undyne chuckled and Sans was ready for his dare...

"Sans, I dare you to... ask your crush out on a date in the next week!" Sans sat there in shock, sweat visible on his skull.

"Hey Undyne, isn't that a bit too early for that dare?" I asked her sheepishly, but he then shrugged it off. "alright, deal."

Everyone was already tired, so we're calling it a day. Like said, Papyrus and Frisk went to their rooms (Sans went in too to read a story), Undyne was busy setting up her bed in the couch.

"Good night, everyone!" I greeted, and they said goodnight 

"Hey, Sans? You there?" I knocked on the door,

"coming." I heard whispering in the room, and Sans came out of the room

"So, are you okay now?" I asked him

"yup, now let's go..." Sans took my hand and teleported to his room.

"U-um." I mumbled. The hand holding took me by surprise.

"sorry, are you getting dizzy?" Sans said, and I quickly shook my head.

"then, why do you look so-" He stopped to realize he was holding my hand still, and he quickly let go.


"N-no! It's fine." I said.

"alright, well... hop in." Sans went his way to the bed. I examined the room...

His room has some messes on the floor, with the mini tornado spinning(strange?), and some pile of socks on the corner, and there was a working treadmill. Seems like it need terrible fixing.

I get to the bed, or mattress, next to the sleeping skeleton. I quietly made my way to fit the two of us in the bed.

"Sans?" I whispered

"hmm? yeah, doll?" he whispered back

"Good night"

"heh, g'night" This sleepover is fun... I'm might be able to meet a new guy, who respects me and my boundaries. The silence making my eyes droop, falling into a sleep.

But... who is this guy I talked about...?

~ Chapter End ~

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