Somewhere... Another Girl Appears...

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(Y/n's POV)

There came the morning... I could feel my watch vibrating for an alarm. Wait, how did that happen, it wasn't there before?

Anyways... I opened my eyes to see the room I slept in. Sans' room... and knowing about my schedule for today, I have to get out of his bed.

For some reason, I can't get up of the bed. What... is my weight getting a bit heavy, or is someone pulling on me a bit lower? And now that I realized that the heavy-sleeping skeleton was clinging onto my waist, I didn't get the urge to, nor want to scream my heart out.

I struggled myself out of Sans' grasp, but he's a bit strong, for a skeleton... 

"Sansy... wake up." I whispered He groaned, and fluttered his eyes open. 

"heya, doll." He said, with his voice still tired and a bit deep. I flushed of red.

"Hi..." I said.

"So... mind letting go?" I mumbled as I blushed a bit harder.

"w-whoops! haha, sorry, or maybe even better... apologies, madam." I laughed at his formality, and his dark blue blush.

"No, it's fine. Just... it's okay without formalities. You know, call me whatever you like!" I said, and he shrugged with one arm.

"alright... how about... miss teach?" I snorted at his new nickname.

"what? is that too generic?" He said confused, and I giggled at his comment.

"If it's okay with you, then... I'll allow it." I reassured. He grinned in response.

"Anyways... I need to change my clothes, so, please go out the room, okay?" I said, and he shrugged and teleported out of nowhere. I shook my head and changed...

I wore a (f/c) dress with some leggings up to my feet, and a (f/c) hoodie and furred boots to finish, since the weather is cold and chilly...

As I was about to exit the room, I felt a strange feeling. It wasn't something painful or mean a bad thing, but... I never felt so much butterflies in my stomach...

Am I mad, or was there something else residing deep within...? 

But, I've just met Sans a few weeks back... but, this feeling, I can't get enough of him. 

I shake out my thoughts and walk out the room...


I walk downstairs and saw everyone already eating. They have some spaghetti with a few of cinnamon bunnies... strange...?

I looked at Sans, and he quickly hides his face, blushing. Undyne elbowed him, which made me laugh.


"No thanks! I just need to go somewhere, for some... stuff to do." I replied

"Ok, but, you might need to eat first." Undyne said, and Frisk said something to her and silently mouthed an 'Oh'

"Alright, I'll have to get going." I said

"And we'll be going to our training today. Papyrus, are your ready?!" Undyne yelled


"And we. Are. OFF!" Undyne busted open through the window, with a crash, and Paps the next. Frisk was winking at Sans and wiggling her eyebrows at him, and she cautiously exited the house. I snorted and fixed the plates to wash it.

Ms. Teach (Sans x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now