Shoulder Wars!

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(Y/n's POV)

~ Game... START! ~
-- Round 1! --
(Undyne's Team VS Papyrus' Team!)

"Alright guys! Are you ready for the Shoulder Fight for the first round of Undyne and Papyrus' team?" I said, acting as the announcer for the game

"Heck yeah! I, Undyne and Alphys will strike you two down!" Undyne shouted and laughed, and Alphys 'woo-hooed' as she was on Undyne's back, ready to play!

"GET READY, UNDYNE! THE GREAT PAPYRUS AND THE HUMAN FRISK, WILL WIN THIS BATTLE. NYEH HEH HEH HEH HEH!!" Papyrus said, and Frisk is waving her hands up in the air as they stood with bravery and determination.

"Ready? Three... two... one... GO!" I said. And the two started pushing. I still acted as the game's announcer for today.

"Alright, we see here Alphys and Frisk started pushing each other with their palms. They're going hard!" I said

"and look! this is getting exciting..." Sans said

"Alphys and Frisk were going neck and neck to pushing into the water, but Frisk isn't giving up just yet... and so is Alphys!" I said

"Watch closely..."

"Both are struggling to push one another towards the water. By then, Frisk lost balance and fell face first to the water!" I said

"HUMAN FRISK! ARE YOU ALRIGHT?" Papyrus exclaimed, and Frisk popped out of the water, spitting out, and doing a thumbs up while grinning.

"ooh! that must've hurt." He said

"well, i think the 1st round is really tough, yet an exciting one! papyrus' team has lost. maybe next time, buddy!"

"And the winner is... Undyne and Alphys! Congratulations guys!" Me and Sans clapped our hands to congratulate them. Undyne and Alphys were happy right now, and she carried Alphys with her hands and turning around.

"And now! Passing the mic to Frisk and Papyrus, and they will be the announcer for the next round! Good luck!" I said. We both went to the pool, and I carried Sans on my shoulders, and luckily I can support his weight. We're ready to play the next round!

We can already see MK and Chara on the pool, they were grinning with mischief. 

"Okay, baby blue, said the rules, no magic." I said, and Sans shrugged.

-- Round 2! --
(Chara's Team VS Y/n's Team)

"Hahaha! You two won't get past us!" MK said, laughing along with Chara.

"Hah! Don't underestimate us!" "because... we... are... the 'Pun-ishers!'" Sans and I punned, and did a fist bump. Papyrus groans when he heard our pun

"So, are you two ready?" Frisk said, and while we were about to shout, Mettaton came over, to our surprise

"oh, great." Sans mumbled

"And now, for our contestants! The two lovers, (Y/n) and Sans!" Mettaton announced

"And to the two best of friends... Chara and MK!" He said

"Now, let us continue... Are you two ready?!" Frisk said, the announcer again. We both shouted 'Yeah!'

(Sans' POV)

"Ok! Three... two... one... Shoulder Wars!!" Frisk shouted.

MK and I started pushing each other with heads, I'm trying my best not to hurt the kid with my hard skull, so I'll have to take it easy. Chara and (Y/n) are moving around, using momentum to make the attacker fall.

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